What does a relationship coach do?

Relationship problems can happen to any couple, right? Who started recently, who has been together for decades, who just had children, it doesn’t matter: everyone can go through that moment when the two cannot understand each other.

And there is a relationship coach to help you through these tribulations. Have you heard of this professional? Because it can be the solution to the problem between you!

In fact, more than helping couples, the relationship coach can work with parents and children, siblings, uncles and nephews, grandparents, friends and any family or emotional relationship that is important to you.

Ah, are you single and have difficulties in relationships with men? Well, the relationship coach can also help you!

In this post, you will understand better:

  • What is a relationship coach;
  • How it can help you change your life

What is a relationship coach?

He is a professional specialized in resolving emotional conflicts between couples, family and friends.

In addition, it helps people with relationship problems to communicate more assertively and safely. So, why can a coach help you solve emotional problems? Because he learns strategies based on different learning segments:

  • Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP);
  • Human Resources;
  • Administration;
  • Neuroscience;
  • Psychology;
  • Management.

This set of knowledge allows the relationship coach to work with strategies that will bear fruit in various segments of his life: personal, professional, health, behavioral and even financial (after all, who has never made up for frustrations by spending the money he doesn’t have?).

Anyway, coaching can be:

  • Individual: only you will be part of the sessions;
  • Joint: with the person directly involved in the problem (your partner, for example).

Thus, the relationship coach will help you gain a new insight into the problem and how to solve it. When we talk about couples, the pattern is that at least the first session is with both, while the others can vary.

Is coaching therapy?


Coaching is more focused on solving specific relationship problems and having a vision of the future, while psychotherapy is focused on the investigation and treatment of psychological pathologies. One function does not preclude the other, and no relationship coach should replace his psychotherapist.

Also remember that the psychotherapist must be a properly qualified psychologist. So if a coach comes along trying to replace your therapy, run away from that person!

How can the relationship coach help you?

The professional can act in the various types of relationships in your life – including your relationship with yourself, do you believe? Check it out:

Relationship conflicts

This is the most common reason. You love your partner and know that he loves you, but it seems that it is impossible to avoid fighting.

This often happens due to the lack of emotional intelligence on both sides, who cannot deal with their own feelings. Furthermore, one cannot accept the other’s characteristics – which are not even defects, but different ways of acting. 

There are countless conflicts that happen between couples, but that can be overcome. They are usually caused by:

  • Search for justification for mistakes – both yours and the other;
  • Criticism and lack of validation;
  • Lack of quality time;
  • Difficulty hearing the other;
  • Focus on the other’s defects;
  • Disrespect for differences;
  • Exaggerated expectations;
  • Irresponsibility;
  • Absence of affection;
  • Pre-judgment;
  • Insecurity;
  • Victimization.

However, if fights are disrupting the relationship, seek help from a relationship coach.

Family problems

Conflicts with parents, children, siblings, grandparents or other close family members are very common and we tend to be exposed by blood ties.

However, depending on the severity of the fights, the wounds can last for years or even decades! Do you want this for your family or for you? Of course not!

Get in touch with a relationship coach and receive guidance to face and overcome these family problems.


Over time, it is normal for friends to separate. However, for those who are more shy or reserved, it is difficult to find new friends or to strengthen ties with acquaintances. The relationship coach will help you get closer to others, renew your circle of friends and be more secure.

Another guidance that the coach can give you is when your friendship with someone very close is destabilized.

As in the previous examples, constant fights for one or more reasons are ending the relationship between you. The coach can mediate and bring solutions that you, who are involved, cannot see.

Looking for a relationship

First of all, the role of a relationship coach is not to bring your love in 3 days, okay?

But to work on your emotional intelligence and teach you to be more secure and confident. 

For example: if you are in love with a guy who knows you’re in the mood and has already said he doesn’t want anything, the coach will not give you tips on how to win him, but rather help you to get rid of this bond, which is hindering you from moving forward.  In addition, the professional will also help you meet new people, chat and have a language that conveys confidence.

Over time, it will be so natural that you won’t even notice – security will be passed on to the other spontaneously.

Another important point is that many women accept any relationship just for fear of loneliness .

The relationship coach is at your side just to say that you don’t need any relationship to be happy – not least because the best relationships appear precisely for those who know how to appreciate their own company. And if you know your values ​​and qualities, you will not accept any relationship.

It is from this understanding that you will know who you want to have next. So, when that person appears, you will not let them pass.

Self image

Teenage bullying abusive relationships, or conflicting family relationships can cause lifelong self-image wounds.

Furthermore, for years of sabotaged trust (either by others or by herself), women think they are not attractive to any man – even though they are beautiful, intelligent, funny and have a good chat. So, hard to believe, but that’s what happens most.

The relationship coach helps women to have a more realistic self-perception. We are not talking about overestimating yourself, but seeing yourself with more affection, realizing your qualities and knowing that you deserve to be loved.


At this point, you think that many women do not relate because of insecurity, don’t you? Instead:

  • Many women are sure of themselves and recognize their value, but are afraid to take simple actions, such as hitting on a man;
  • There are those who believe that men do not like serious relationships;
  • Those who do not want to compromise because they have been hurt in the past;
  • Who does not try because they think they will never find the ideal man.

The relationship coach will help you demonstrate your security, even when trying to establish a relationship.

After all, no one corresponds to an idealization! We all have defects and insecurities, and in order to relate to another person, we need to set expectations about the other aside and focus on making the relationship work.


We know that, for a relationship to work, it takes commitment.

However, it turns out that the partner doesn’t want more – or even the feeling you had for the other is over.

In fact, the problem is that, instead of breaking up, the couple continues to push the relationship with the belly. Is it still necessary to continue in that relationship? Isn’t insisting just holding the other in a meaningless relationship, just for convenience? Is there still enough feeling for both to continue moving forward? Do you see a future for both?

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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