
Rayonism. Pictorial style practiced by Russian artists, such as Gontcharova and Larionov , between 1912 and 1914 .


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  • 1 Origin
  • 2 What do you propose?
  • 3 Inheritance
  • 4 Sources


Rayonism is an artistic movement that began in Russia in the Hall of Libre Esthetique in Moscow , in 1909 , by Miguel Larionov and Natalia Goncharova , and deepened in 1913 .

It is a synthesis of cubism , futurism and orphism .

It arises as an adaptation of the artists towards futurism, making itself known through a manifesto written by Larinov and which in turn is part of a miscellany edited for the White exhibition, held in Moscow in 1913. Based on some compositions Built from rays of light that intersect and dissolve in constantly changing motifs, Rayonism is an important focus of artistic theory by melting into its canvases a fundamentally Cubist structure, with a properly futuristic sense of movement, being the set of completely abstract the work item in the break lines biased beams as seen in Greenwood and yellow Goncharova, reaching the subject to disappear at other times, as in Glass ( Solomon R . Guggenheim Mus. of New York , 1912 1913) Larionov. The movement was short-lived, so it did not create a school.

What do you propose?

Rayonism proposes the decomposition of the theme into beams of oblique lines, a kind of light rays of different shades. Aspects such as light, color, time, and dynamism are of great importance in rayonism.


This artistic movement has a great aesthetic heritage of Futurism, when it comes to the formal aspects of the work of art, but ideologically they are different.


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