10 Prompting Techniques Llm

Prompting, in the context of language learning and memory (LLM), refers to cues or aids that help learners recall or produce correct responses. This can be especially useful for vocabulary acquisition, grammar practice, or any aspect of language where reinforcement is beneficial. Below are ten prompting techniques that can be employed:

Prompting Techniques Llm

  1. Visual Prompts
    • Description: Use images, flashcards, or visual aids related to the target language concept.
    • Application: For vocabulary, show an image of an apple when teaching the word “apple.”
  2. Verbal Prompts
    • Description: Use spoken cues to guide the learner.
    • Application: If a student struggles to conjugate a verb, offer the stem or the beginning sound as a hint.
  3. Gestural Prompts
    • Description: Use body movements or gestures to indicate the correct response.
    • Application: When teaching the word for “eat,” mimic the act of eating.
  4. Completion Prompts
    • Description: Provide the beginning of a sentence or phrase and have the learner complete it.
    • Application: “I am…” could be completed with “I am eating” or “I am running.”
  5. Elaborative Interrogation
    • Description: Ask learners to explain why a fact or concept is true.
    • Application: “Why do you think ‘biblioteca’ means ‘library’ in Spanish?”
  6. Choice Prompts
    • Description: Offer multiple choices and ask the learner to pick the correct one.
    • Application: “Which of these is the correct past tense: ‘runned’, ‘run’ or ‘ran’?”
  7. Positional Prompts
    • Description: Place the correct answer in a consistent position (like always in the middle) until the learner gets used to the response, then randomize.
    • Application: When teaching vocabulary, always place the correct translation in the middle of three options.
  8. Echoic Prompts
    • Description: Ask the learner to repeat the correct response after the instructor.
    • Application: For pronunciation practice, say a word and have the student mimic the exact pronunciation.
  9. Phonetic Prompts
    • Description: Give a hint related to the sound of the word or phrase.
    • Application: For a student trying to recall the word “elephant”, you might offer “It starts with the sound ‘el-‘.”
  10. Associative Prompts
  • Description: Relate the target language concept to a known concept, making it easier for learners to make connections.
  • Application: When teaching the French word “pomme” (apple), you could mention its phonetic similarity to the English word “palm,” helping the student create an association.

Implementation Tips:

  • Rotate through different prompting techniques to ensure the learner does not become overly reliant on any one strategy.
  • Reduce the frequency of prompts as the learner becomes more proficient, moving towards independent recall or production.
  • Always pair prompts with positive reinforcement when the learner responds correctly, enhancing motivation and retention.
by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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