Pristella maxillaris

Pristella maxillaris . Species of fish belonging to the Characidae family , included in the Characiformes order .


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  • 1 Description
  • 2 Coloring
  • 3 Sex Differences
  • 4 He lives
  • 5 life expectancy
  • 6 Aquarius
  • 7 Power
  • 8 Playback
  • 9 Fountains


Fusiform body, rounded, mouth in forward position. It has an adipose fin near the tail and another more developed fin on the back.


It has no color on the body, apart from a small black spot on the abdomen at eye level and on the main fins (dorsal and anal) they have a thin white band followed by a thicker black band and finally a yellow one. clear near the body. In the anal fin the coloration of yellow is more intense; on the ventral fins they have small black dots. The tips of the tail are red.

sex differences

The male is thinner than the female, also its size is smaller. A notable difference to the naked eye is that the black spots on the ventral fins are very pale, unlike the females, which are more intense. The female, in addition to being larger, more colorful and plump, you can see the eggs in her abdomen when she is already mature and ready to spawn.


Inhabits South America : Amazon and Orinoco river basins , also in coastal rivers of the Guianas .

Life expectancy

It has an average lifespan of approximately 5-6 years.


Aquariums from small to large, from 60 liters, with dim light, dark background and little current.


Omnivorous fish , which will gladly accept any type of commercial food, frozen or live. The diet should be as varied as possible.



We will prepare a small aquarium (30-40 liters), in which we will put some floating plant, dense and fine-leaved plants (Fox Tail, Ambulia, Cabomba), in the bottom we can put java moss , or small rounded stones. The temperature must be 24ºC and the PH must be 6-6.5. In this aquarium we will put a male and two females, to which we will provide live or frozen food. Once the laying is done, we remove the parents and cover the aquarium, until the time of the hatching of the eggs, which occurs after 36-48 hours. The aquarium is covered so that it does not get light; since the eggs are very prone to catch fungi and in this way we help to avoid it.


by Abdullah Sam
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