Popondetta furcata

The blue-eyed forkfish (Pseudomugil furcatus) . It is a species of freshwater actinopterygian fish. Its fishing lacks interest, but due to its beauty it is sold in aquariums and is common in pet stores.


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  • 1 Morphology
  • 2 He lives
  • 3 Geographic distribution
  • 4 Food
  • 5 Playback
  • 6 Fountains


Its fusiform body has bright colors and a large flow fin with a forked appearance, the maximum length described is 5 cm for males and 4 cm for females, with sexual dimorphism. It has spines, 4 to 7 on the dorsal fin and one on the anal fin. The eyes are bluish, the fins are yellowish, and the lower anterior part is somewhat reddish.


It is a benthopelagic species, tropical freshwater , which lives in streams or rivers densely populated with aquatic vegetation. Prefers clear, non-fast flowing waters.

Geographical distribution

It is distributed in the oceanic continent, specifically in low-lying areas to the east of Papua New Guinea. Although popular in aquariums, wild individuals are not collected for commercial use.


In the wild, Pseudomugil furcatus feed on plankton found on the surface or suspended in the water. In aquariums they can be provided with live food such as Daphnia or Artemia.


Reproduction is possible in captivity, females lay eggs in the substratum or aquatic vegetation. These hatch in the course of 20 days, it is advisable to remove the reproducers, as they usually eat the young, or after laying, collect the eggs so that they hatch in a separate container from the parents. The life expectancy of popondetta furcata is low, therefore they are not long-lived fish, it has been reported as a mean life time of one year.


by Abdullah Sam
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