The physical structureof the soil

Physical structure of
soil Soil is a natural substance. Soil is generated by mixing organic matter and water with decaying rocks and minerals. When analyzing a soil sample, the following products are available in solid, liquid and gaseous form:
a) Minerals
  . Gravel or stone
  II. Sand particles
  3. Poly particles
Soil particles differ in their type based quantities of clay.
B) Organic matter
  1. Organic fertilizers applied to organic matter, crop residues, are dead.
  2. Unplanned vegetation with broad roots and branches, other plants.
  ৩. Humus-Organic substance is a dirt substance created after degradation.
  ৪. Microbes and animals, bacteria, mussels, fungus actinomycetes, mites and insects.
C) Water
  Irrigation and rain water and water obtained from river source.
D) Air
  is atmospheric air located at the particle gap. In addition to the solid materials in the soil are calcium carbonate, ferrous oxide, silicon dioxide.

Quantity of Components The amount of
soil composition referred to mainly in two ways, namely –
volume based
and weight based – is unlikely in
any of the two samples. That is to say, the soil is very uneven in terms of the type and quantity of the clay content. The quantum of composition of common agricultural soils is shown in the list:



Size wise














< 2

< ১

The air



< ১

< ১






Soil can be used for agricultural purposes and for research purposes. Quantitative calculations of soil materials can be used in many ways. The following are the main uses of soil-based volume and weight-based calculations.


Volume-based use Weight-based use
2. Irrigation water 2. Results of soil research
2. The physical properties of the soil 2. The basic qualities of Mali
2. Soil erosion and movement 2. Chemical Properties of Soil

Soil Physics Religion is the primary feature of soil physical, chemical and biological religion. The physical religion of the soil directly regulates crop production and environmental protection. It contributes all kinds of minerals, from the existing solid rock to the super fine clay particles, to produce the physical properties of the soil. However, because of the common agricultural land, there is no stone and gravel-shaped products, mainly sand, silt and clay particles. Soil, sand, silt and clay particles in soil mining are called Soil Particles or Soil Particles. Definitely – mineral particles contained in a fixed size dimension with a diameter of less than two millimeters are called single particles. Soil particles are of three types namely – sand particles, poly particles and clay particles. Depending on the size, sand particles may be 3-4 types and poly particles and clay particles may be 2-5.

by Abdullah Sam
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