Phosphorus cycle

The match is a very important element for living beings. It participates in the composition of nucleic acids, ATP and phospholipids, in addition to being part of the constitution of teeth and bones in animals. This mineral is found in nature in the form of phosphate ion (PO 3- ) and is achieved by dissolving the rocks.

These ions are available in soil and water, and plants absorb them to be used in their synthesis. Animals obtain phosphate ions through water and food, through the food chain.

The phosphorus is returned to the environment by means of decomposing organisms that degrade the organic matter from the excretion and death of plants and animals. A part of this phosphorus is recycled in the ecosystem itself, between plants, soil, consumers and decomposers. Another part of this phosphorus is carried by rainwater to lakes and seas, where it can be incorporated into the rocks. These ions can return to terrestrial ecosystems through geological processes, such as raising the seabed, lowering the water level, among others.

by Abdullah Sam
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