Pasteurized milk

Pasteurized milk is milk that has been gently heated (70º-90ºC) for a few seconds to inactivate microbes , such as some pathogens (disease-causing), without significantly modifying the qualities of the food and preventing it from deteriorating immediately.


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  • 1 Story
  • 2 Pasteurization process
  • 3 Unpasteurized milk and pasteurization: Myths about milk
  • 4 Sources


This treatment, which is also applied in other fields, was invented by Louis Pasteur ( 1822 – 1895 ) and for that reason it bears his name. Pasteur was a French chemist who contributed significantly to the advancement of Chemistry and its practical applications, although his fame derives from his research on microbes . Experimentally demonstrated the falsity of the theory of spontaneous generation of life, studied fermentations and the role of yeasts in them, introduced aseptic practices in medicine , studied the role of microbes in some diseases, developed a vaccine against anthrax and1885 , he found the solution to cure rabies . Soon after, in 1888 and by international subscription, the Pasteur Institute , a prestigious scientific institution, was built to continue its work.

Pasteurization process

In order to destroy the microorganisms in the milk, it is necessary to subject them to thermal treatments, since it has been seen that the temperature can cause undesirable transformations in the milk, which mainly cause changes in taste, performance, and quality. The pasteurization process was ideal in order to decrease the entire flora of saprophytic microorganisms and all of the pathogenic microbial agents, but altering as little as possible the physical and chemical structure of milk and substances with biological activity such as enzymes and vitamins . The temperature and time applied in pasteurization ensure the destruction of pathogens such as Mycobacterium , tuberculosis, Brucellos , Solmonellas , etc., but it does not destroy mastitial microorganisms such as Staphilococus aereus or Streptococuspyogenes , nor does it destroy some microorganisms responsible for acidity such as Lacotobacillus .

Unpasteurized milk and pasteurization: Myths about milk

Although pasteurization has helped deliver safe, nutrient-rich milk and cheese for over 120 years, there are still some people who believe that pasteurization hurts milk and that unpasteurized milk is a safer and healthier alternative. Proven facts about milk and pasteurization:

  • The pasteurization of milk intolerance produces NO lactose or allergic reactions. Both kinds of milk can cause allergic reactions in people sensitive to milk proteins.
  • Unpasteurized milk DOES NOT kill pathogens by itself.
  • Pasteurization DOES NOT reduce the nutritional value of milk.
  • Pasteurization does NOT mean that it is safe to leave milk out of the refrigerator for a long time, especially after it has been opened.
  • Pasteurization DOES destroy harmful bacteria.
  • Pasteurization DOES save lives.


by Abdullah Sam
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