Benefits of Using Accounting Software for Business

Managing a business is challenging and complicated. Whatever the type of business, business management requires a high level of accuracy. Business owners are expected to be able to know about simple financial statements, how to market, produce, sell, and various other things related to business. Accuracy in managing a business is one thing that must be considered. Including … Read more

Implement Blue Ocean Strategy for Your Business

Nowadays business competition is getting tougher, so business people must be able to look for innovative and creative marketing ideas and strategies. With a creative strategy, creative business opportunities will open. As a business person, you need to apply innovations that are not thought of by your business competitors. Although innovations are created outside of your comfort zone. One … Read more

3 Requirements that Must Be Fulfilled to Become an Auditor

Maintaining the quality of the auditor’s performance and audit results are required to meet the provisions of the auditor’s professional standards. Auditing standards emphasize the professional quality of auditors and the way auditors take considerations and decisions when conducting audits and reporting. If you want to be an auditor or want to use audit services in a … Read more

Understanding Computerization and 9 Benefits in Accounting

Financial or accounting records were carried out manually until the 1980s. When computer technology and software that emerged were easy to use, accurate and reliable, slowly financial writing with manual systems began to be abandoned. Now, computerization has become a solution for accounting records. The following is a more complete explanation. Understanding Computerization Computerization is a change in the mechanism … Read more

Purchase Order (PO) and Invoice? Find Out the Difference!

In running a business, the terms purchase order (PO) and invoice will often be heard. However, the fact is that there are still many people who do not understand the difference. Although the contents are not much different, PO and invoice have differences that must be known because both have an important role when buying and selling in a business. What is the actual PO and invoice ? How … Read more