Myopia, astigmatism, hyperopia: know the differences

Vision problems are not the same, but they can all cause discomfort and loss of quality of life. Myopia, astigmatism and hyperopia have different characteristics and, therefore, they must be treated in different ways.

Therefore, it is necessary to consult with an ophthalmologist, as soon as a change in the sharpness and focus of the visualized images is noticed. But do you know what the difference is between them?

In this post, we will present the main symptoms, causes and treatments for astigmatism, hyperopia and myopia. Read on and find out when it is recommended to see a doctor!

What is myopia?

People who are nearsighted have difficulty seeing more distant objects. This is because that person’s eyeball is larger than normal. Thus, with a greater curvature, the image is formed before the retina, becoming blurred and blurred, the further away it is from the object.

In addition to abnormal vision, myopia can cause headaches. It is mainly associated with genetic factors. Treatment can be done with the use of concave glasses and contact lenses. In some moderate cases, corrective surgery is still possible.

What are the symptoms of hyperopia?

Unlike myopia, the eye of the person with hyperopia tends to be smaller than normal. Therefore, the image is formed after the retina, making it difficult to see up close. However, it can also cause headaches and blurred vision.

Sometimes, overexertion to see can cause strabismus in young children . Incidentally, the problem is much more common in childhood, and may disappear over time. If it persists in adulthood, it can be corrected with glasses and convex contact lenses or even laser surgery.

How to identify astigmatism?

Astigmatism, on the other hand, appears when the cornea – a transparent membrane that lines the front of the eye – and the crystalline – gelatinous structure that processes light – acquire an irregular shape, presenting an abnormal curvature. In this way, light cannot converge inside the eye, making it difficult to form images and impairing vision both from far and near.

It is not yet known exactly why these changes in the cornea and lens happen, but it is believed to be due to genetic factors. The problem can also be worsened by eye strain and a reduction in the number of blinks by excessive exposure to light, especially with aging . The solution may be the use of so-called cylindrical lenses, which helps the rays to converge at the same point.

Thus, the main difference between myopia, astigmatism and hyperopia is in the formation of light inside the eye, requiring different approaches. This does not mean that a person cannot have more than one of these problems. In such cases, it may be necessary to use so-called multifocal lenses, which adapt the focus of the image formed on the retina.

Therefore, it is essential to seek an ophthalmologist as soon as it is difficult to see. Both myopia, astigmatism and hyperopia are easily corrected with the appropriate glasses or contact lenses.

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by Abdullah Sam
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