Molecular distillation

Molecular distillation : It is a process of purification and separation that uses the energy of heat , which separates the compounds according to their boiling point. The distilled vapors are then frozen and condensed in separate containers. There are several types of distillates based on their specific characteristics, such as steam distillation, fractional distillation and vacuum distillation .


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  • 1 Features
  • 2 Mechanics
  • 3 Users with stability problems
  • 4 Users with high boiling point applications
  • 5 Other definitions
  • 6 Sources


Three special features characterize molecular distillation. The mixture is distilled under reduced pressure, as it reduces the boiling temperature. Time minimizes substances that are exposed to heat. The cooling process is accelerated.


The following features are found in a sophisticated molecular distillation apparatus: a high vacuum pump improves vaporization, the distance between the heat source and the condenser is kept small, and uses a motorized scraper to apply a thin film of the substance to the heating wall. This means that only a small number of molecules are in the distillation stage at any time.

Users with stability problems

Short path distillation is used by research institutions such as universities and pharmaceutical companies when discussing the compound’s heat sensitivity.

Users with high boiling point applications

The petroleum industry uses molecular distillation to isolate high boiling oil fractions such as motor oils.

Other definitions

Also called short-path distillation, it is particularly useful for identifying liquid components that are sensitive to heat or the separation of substances with very high boiling points.


by Abdullah Sam
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