What Is Mesotherapy All About;Uses,Types And Mehtods

Mesotherapy has been shown to be the most effective method in the applications for  wrinkles , blemishes, cellulite, localized fats , stretch marks,and  skin rejuvenation. Therefore,it has been increasingly used by women.

What Is Mesotherapy All About;Uses,Types And Mehtods

Mesotherapy What It Is Used For

Mesotherapy can be used as a therapy to combat some disorders and not only for aesthetic treatments:

  • Cellulite
  • Localized adiposity
  • Venous and lymphatic insufficiency
  • Micro sports traumas
  • Motor rehabilitation
  • Osteopathies and arthropathies
  • Dermatological diseases
  • Facial rejuvenation

Types of Mesotherapy

DIY Mesotherapy

Doctors advise against performing this treatment at home, it is better to do it at specialized centers by a medical operator. Therapy should be performed after a thorough medical examination and only a doctor can determine which medicine is to be injected and intervene in the event of problems during treatment.Do-it-yourself mesotherapy could cause damage to the body, allergies and other problems,

Facial Mesotherapy or Mesolifting

Facial mesotherapy, also called mesolifting. It is the treatment used to counteract the effects of aging. Through very thin needles a product is stimulated under the epidermis which stimulates the processes of skin regeneration, The mesolifting is performed on the cheeks, on the oval of the face,on the cheekbones, on the lower eyelids, and the neck.Its action is immediate and long lasting. A session can vary from 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Trichological Mesotherapy

The mesotherapy tricologica is a technique that involves injecting doses of vitamins and medicines directly into the scalp to stimulate the bulb and start the regrowth of the hair.

Mesotherapy Benefits For The Hair

Capillary mesotherapy is a very effective treatment for most hair and scalp problems.

First of all, capillary mesotherapy guarantees the right amount of hair amino acids and increases the production of keratin. The treatment is indicated:

  • to restore a damaged hair from environmental and genetic situations
  • to eliminate dandruff ,
  • to give thickness to a thin hair
  • to revitalize damaged hair
  • to stop hair loss

Homeopathic Mesotherapy 

Homeopathic medicines that stimulate lipolysis are injected . This technique is used for the treatment of cellulite, localized adiposity and  varicose veins .The results are obtained after several treatment cycles and last for about 6 months, then the procedure must be repeated. In general, it takes about 7 sessions lasting 15 minutes.

Less effective than medical mesotherapy, it has many advantages.

  • lack of risk of allergies or adverse effects, as natural medicines are used
  • it can also be performed during  pregnancy
  • the effects can be increased by combining  the ‘ Acupuncture.

by Abdullah Sam
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