Mesenteric angiography

Mesenteric angiography. Test used to study the blood vessels supplying the large intestine and small intestine .
An angiography is an imaging test that uses x-rays and a special dye to see the inside of the arteries. Arteries are the blood vessels that carry blood from the heart .


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  • 1 How the test is performed
  • 2 Preparation for the exam
  • 3 How the test will feel
  • 4 Reasons why the exam is performed
  • 5 Normal Values
  • 6 Meaning of abnormal results
  • 7 What are the risks
  • 8 Alternative names
  • 9 Source

How the test is performed

This test uses x-rays and a special dye or dye, called a contrast dye, to make blood vessels appear on the images. This test is done in the radiology room of a hospital. The patient is asked to lie on an x-ray table and may request a sedative if they are anxious about the exam.

  • During the exam, you will be connected to various devices so that you can monitor your blood pressureheart rate and breathing.
  • The doctor will shave and clean the groin area over an artery. Local anesthesia is applied inside the skin over an artery and a needle is inserted there.
  • A thin, flexible tube, called a catheter, is passed through the needle into the artery and up through the main vessels in the abdominal area until it is properly positioned within the mesenteric artery. The doctor can view live images of the area on a television-like monitor and use the x-rays as a guide.
  • Contrast medium is injected through this probe to determine any defects in the blood vessels. Similarly, x-rays of the artery are taken.

Certain treatments can be done during this procedure. Items are passed through the catheter to the area in the artery that needs treatment. These treatments include:

  • Dissolve a blood clot with medication.
  • Open a partially blocked artery with a balloon.
  • Placing a small tube called a stent or stent to help keep it open.

After taking the x-rays or finishing the treatments, the catheter is removed. Pressure is immediately applied to the puncture site for 20 to 45 minutes to stop the bleeding. After that time, the area is checked and a tight bandage is applied. The leg is usually kept straight for another 6 hours after the procedure.

Preparation for the exam

The patient should not eat or drink anything for 6 to 8 hours before the exam. You will be asked to wear a hospital gown and sign an authorization for the procedure. Remove jewelry from the area to be examined.
Comment to the doctor:

  • If you are pregnant.
  • If you have ever had an allergic reaction to x-ray contrast material or iodine.
  • If you are allergic to any medicine.
  • What medications are you taking (including any herbal preparations).
  • If you have ever had a bleeding problem.

How the test will feel

The X-ray table is hard and cold, but you can borrow a blanket or pillow. A brief sting may be felt when the numbing medicine ( anesthesia ) is applied . You will also feel a brief, sharp puncture as the catheter is inserted into the artery, as well as some pressure as you proceed to the site. Usually, you will only experience a feeling of pressure in the groin area.
As the contrast medium is injected, you will experience a feeling of heat and suffocation. After the exam, tenderness and bruising may occur at the catheter insertion site.

Reasons why the exam is performed

This exam is done:

  • When someone has symptoms of a narrow or blocked blood vessel in the intestines.
  • To locate the source of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • To find the cause of continued abdominal pain and weight loss when no cause has been identified.
  • When other studies fail to provide enough information about abnormal malignancies along the intestinal tract.
  • To look for vascular damage after an abdominal injury.

Mesenteric angiography can be performed after active bleeding has been identified with more sensitive nuclear medicine scans. The radiologist can then accurately locate and treat the source.

Normal values

The results are considered normal if the arteries to be examined are normal in appearance.

Meaning of abnormal results

A common abnormal finding is narrowing and hardening of the arteries supplying the large and small intestines (mesenteric ischemia). The problem occurs when fatty material (plaque) builds up on the walls of the arteries.
The bleeding in the large intestine and thin is another finding abnormal that may be caused by:

  • Angiodysplasia of the colon.
  • Rupture of blood vessel due to injury.

Other abnormal results may be due to:

  • Blood clots.
  • Cirrhosis.

What are the risks

There is some risk that the catheter will damage the artery or detach a piece of the arterial wall, which can reduce or block circulation and lead to tissue death. This complication is rare.
Other risks include:

  • Allergic reaction to contrast medium.
  • Blood clot that travels to the lungs.
  • Damage to the blood vessel where the needle and catheter were inserted.
  • Excessive bleeding or a blood clot where the catheter is inserted, which can reduce circulation to the leg.
  • Heart attackor stroke .
  • Hematoma(a collection of blood at the site of the needle piercing).
  • Nerve injury at the puncture site.
  • Kidney damage from the contrast medium.

Alternative names

Abdominal arteriography; Arteriogram of the abdomen; Mesenteric angiogram


by Abdullah Sam
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