Main Cough Remedies

Cough remedies have the effect of alleviating this and other symptoms associated with the problem, such as discomfort, irritation of the throat, expectoration or shortness of breath. Treatment should be indicated according to the type of cough presented by the patient and should aim, in addition to relieving symptoms, to eliminate its cause.

Infant cough remedies should only be used if indicated by the pediatrician, according to the type of cough the child has and his general health. Know some common causes of cough.

Remedies for dry cough

The remedies for dry cough should be recommended by a doctor, who must understand the cause of the cough, in order to prescribe the one that is most suitable. The remedies can be taken in the form of syrup, drops or pills, and they can act on the nervous system, in order to control the frequency and intensity of the symptom, in the throat, relieving irritation, or at the tracheobronchial level, with an anti-allergic activity. and anti-bronchospastic.

Some remedies for dry, allergic and persistent cough are:

  • Levodropropizine(Antuss);
  • DropropizineVibral , Atossion, Notuss);
  • Dextromethorphan(Bisoltussin);
  • Clobutinol hydrochloride + doxylamine succinate(Hytos Plus).

For babies and children, Pediatric Vibral can be used, which is recommended from 3 years old and Pediatric Atossion and Pediatric Notuss, which can be given from 2 years. Hytos Plus and Antuss can be used by adults and children, but only from 3 years of age.

A good remedy with antitussive action, which can be used when the throat is also inflamed, is Benalet in lozenges, because it helps to relieve this symptom and treats throat irritation.

If the cough is allergic, the doctor may also recommend the use of antihistamines, such as loratadine, desloratadine or dexchlorpheniramine, for example, which help to control this symptom and relieve allergic symptoms. In addition to taking the medication, it is important to avoid contact with the substance that is causing this symptom.

Remedies for cough with phlegm

These remedies aim to make sputum less viscous and facilitate its elimination, reducing airway obstruction, coughing and shortness of breath. Cough with phlegm can be caused by respiratory illnesses like flu, cold, asthma or bronchitis, for example.

Some mucolytic remedies indicated are:

  • Ambroxol(Mucosolvan);
  • Bromhexine(Bisolvon);
  • Guaifenesina(Transpulmin);
  • Acetylcysteine(Fluimucil).

For babies and children, there is the pediatric Bisolvon and Mucosolvan, which can be used from 2 years old or pediatric Vick, from 6 years old.

In this case, antitussive remedies should not be taken, as they prevent the cough reflex, which helps to release the accumulated sputum in the airways, worsening the person’s health status.

Homeopathic remedies for cough

Homeopathic remedies can be used to treat dry or productive cough, promoting relief of throat irritation, decreasing the viscosity of secretions and facilitating expectoration. An example of a homeopathic remedy for cough is Stodal, in syrup.

Natural cough remedies

A good natural remedy for cough is the date, as it helps to fluidize the phlegm, soothes the bronchial irritation and combats fatigue and weakness.

Other natural measures that can help to alleviate this symptom are to increase the intake of liquids, to make inhalation of water vapor, to suck mint or honey candies or to take advantage of the aromas of medicinal plants, such as eucalyptus, cherry and peppermint, for example . See how to use aromatherapy to fight cough .


by Abdullah Sam
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