Maclaurin Trisectrix

Maclaurin Trisectrix . It can be defined as the locus of the intersection points of two lines , each rotating at a uniform angular speed around separate points, so that the ratio of the rotation speeds is 1: 3 and the lines initially coincide with the line between the two points.


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  • 1 Story
  • 2 Definition
  • 3 Construction
  • 4 equations
  • 5 Sources


This curve was studied by Colin Maclaurin ( 1698 to 1746 ) in 1742 four years before he died, to try to solve the problem of angle resection , one of the classic problems of Greek geometry . The problem of angle resection is to divide any angle into three equal parts using only the ruler and the compass .


It can be defined as the locus of the intersection points of two lines, each rotating at a uniform angular speed around separate points, so that the ratio of the rotation speeds is 1: 3 and the lines initially coincide with the line between the two points.



  1. Show coordinate axes and let OR be the coordinate origin.
  2. Take a = 1 (or any other value).
  3. Draw the vertical linev that passes through point C (-2a, 0). This is the line x = -2a.
  4. Let B be the coordinate point (4a, 0).
  5. Plot the circumferenceCB with center B (4a, 0) and radius 4a.
  6. Let P be a point on the circumference CB.
  7. Draw the line OP.
  8. Let R be the intersection between the lines OP and the line x = -2a.
  9. Let M be the midpoint of the segment RP.
  10. The locus generated by M when P moves over the circumference CB is the MacLaurin Trisector.


  • Cartesian equation:
  • Polar equation:
  • Parametric equations


by Abdullah Sam
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