Lyrical singer

Lyrical singer : Singer who interprets the vocal repertoire of classical music, mainly opera, but also zarzuela , musical comedy and even popular music .


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  • 1 Attitude and skills must have who wants to be a lyrical singer.
  • 2 Specific technique for the lyrical singer.
  • 3 Organization of this category
    • 1 Age that a person who starts lyrical singing must have
    • 2 When can it be harmful to the vocal cords
  • 4 Some vocal hygiene guidelines for a lyrical singer
  • 5 Sources

Attitude and skills must have who wishes to be a lyrical singer.

Not everyone can be a successful or great singer, it is more a matter of personal attitude than physical or structural fitness. Of course, and I cannot deny it, there are people in whom it is seen that nature has provided them with fantastic vocal cords, an excellent musical ear, and sings wonderfully well, but to sing lyrically it takes a lot of study, effort and exercise. As for the [[ear, it is trained. I think the main attitude is temperament and the desire to do it. Mainly and definitely, I think the most important thing is the attitude of the singer .

Specific technique for the lyrical singer.

There is a technique for singing in general, basic, which has to do with air handling , coordination, emission and being able to homogenize vocal extension. The work on the passage notes is very important. As for lyrical singing, it requires a very important handling of volume, not so much for chamber music , but for the opera singer. You need to have volume and power. Chamber singers do not need so much volume, but they do need other nuances, since it develops in smaller venues, less accompanied by instruments than in opera . The repertoire of the singer who presents a specific and particular difficulty is fundamental, it is not the same to sing a Wagner opera , than to sing aMozart , each singer must specialize according to his style. See which style suits you best. Although during his years of study he must try everything, and know his own limitations. There are different singing schools that have points in common, but they are different. For example, some use cost-abdominal breathing and others push the air in. Currently, the functional method is fashionable, which breaks with many schemes of traditional techniques. There are as many techniques as there are singers. Why? Because the singer, although he is trained with a teacher who has a technique, individually finds small turns that work very well for himself. The same singer makes personal adaptations of each learned technique.

Organization of this category

It is of two types: a geographical one, by country; and a second, according to the voice register, as follows:

  • Female voices: soprano (high voice), mezzo-soprano (middle voice), and contralto (deep voice).
  • Male voices: tenor (high voice), baritone (middle voice), bass , (deep voice) and [[countertenor (higher voice).
  • Other voices: castrato (emasculated man).

Age that a person who starts lyrical singing must have

What the bibliography indicates has to do with the vowel mute . So, to formally study lyrical singing one must have completed the vocal mute. In conservatories entry is not allowed before vocal change.

When it can be harmful to the vocal cords

It can be detrimental when technique is bad. But in favor of singing teachers, sometimes the technique is not bad but it is accurate for one singer and not for another. In addition, teaching a singing technique is not easy, it is based on many individual and personal sensations. For example “do not obscure it” … these are very fine and individual perceptions. Some singers who present outlines or nodules do so because the technique is not always for that person, or they really could not grasp it.

Some vocal hygiene guidelines for a lyrical singer

They are the basic guidelines for vocal hygiene but taken very seriously.

  • Before concerts, eat more protein .
  • Be well hydrated.
  • Have two hours of digestion .
  • Do not drink extremely hot or cold drinks, or sodas.
  • Avoid alcohol .
  • Get a good night’s sleep before a concert.
  • Be careful in winter or when using cooling or heating .
  • Drink water or tea during rehearsals.
  • Exercise before singing.
  • Avoid physical efforts such as lifting weights, or violent sports.
  • Wear comfortable clothing that allows perspiration to evaporate and does not contain allergenic fibers.
  • Avoid mints or menthol, spicy and excess salt.
  • Avoid black coffee or very strong tea.
  • During colds, take vocal rest.
by Abdullah Sam
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