Where is the location of the Apex Legends configuration file?

Where is the Apex Legends configuration file located? If you’re looking to configure settings like key bindings and the like without going into the game, you’ll want to know where the configuration files are stored on your computer. Read on to find out how to locate Apex Legends configuration files on your PC. Find out below the steps you need to take to find the location of the Apex Legends configuration file on your computer.

Where is the location of the Apex Legends configuration file?

To find the location of the Apex Legends configuration file on your computer, simply type “saved games” into the Windows search bar. This should bring up the configuration file path for Apex Legends as a folder. Just click on that folder and it will take you to the Apex Legends configuration files, after a couple of simple steps. Below, we’ve outlined the steps you need to follow to find the configuration file path for Apex Legends:

  • Type “saved games” in the Windows search bar
  • Open the folder
  • Open the “Respawn” folder
  • Open the “Apex” folder
  • The configuration files are located in the “Apex” folder

It is a simple process. The actual location line is as follows: This PC> Windows (C:)> Users> (user profile)> Saved games> Respawn> Apex. That’s all. Now you know where the Apex Legends configuration files are, you can do whatever you like with them. Configuration files are a good way to change game settings outside of the in-game GUI (in-game settings).

Editing configuration files can be used in many different and general ways. For example, you may need to access configuration files to fix some bugs. It is up to you what you do within the game’s configuration files. Now, at least, you know where you can find them on your PC.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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