Lip mucocele

Lip mucocele : They are benign lesions of the oral cavity that are produced by the extravasation of a mucous material from the minor salivary glands, generally secondary to trauma in the area. A higher incidence has been described in young patients. Mucocele, or mucous cyst, is characterized by the appearance of a hemispherical papular lesion, which normally occurs solitary in the mucosa of the lower lip, although it can also affect the floor of the mouth, the oral mucosa and the tongue. It usually has a pinkish or bluish coloration, a translucent appearance, a soft consistency, and measures from a few millimeters to more than 1 cm. It is filled with sialomucine, a clear liquid. Excluding irritative fibroids, it is the most frequent soft tissue injury of the oral cavity.


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  • 1 Origin
  • 2 Location
  • 3 Histopathological characteristics
  • 4 Types of mucocele
  • 5 Diagnosis
  • 6 Treatment
  • 7 Remedies for mucocele
  • 8 Conclusions
  • 9 Sources


It is determined that the origin of the mucosal extravasation perioral cyst (mucocele) has been associated with lesion of the glandular apparatus of the lip and cheek in which it was decided to compare two groups of subjects, the first group had a known history of violence and antisocial experiences and the other does not. 474 boys from institutionalized reformatories and 532 randomly selected boys from state schools were examined, 48.9% of boys from reformatory and 2.8% of students from state schools (P less than 0.0001) had mouth scars. The mucocele originates from the minor salivary glands, it can appear in any area of ​​the mouth where these glands settle, The most frequent location is in the lower lip in 96%, sometimes there is a history of local trauma, which causes a rupture of the duct of the salivary gland, causing its extravasation and accumulation of mucin. In the ranula type, it is a mucocele seen on the floor of the mouth, and is nothing more than a minor sublingual salivary gland cyst]]. Sometimes a ranula can have a cervical extension and is called a plunger ranula.


When the mucocele is located in the roof of the mouth, it usually originates in the sublingual gland or, less frequently, in the submandibular gland., and is called ranula. These lesions are important in the pediatric population, because they must be differentiated from other deeper and more clinically relevant lesions. A variant of the mucocele is the superficial mucocele, which appears in the form of a tight and clear vesicle of a few millimeters in diameter, of an asymptomatic, self-resolving and recurrent nature. It is located in retromolar fat, in the posterior oral mucosa and on the soft palate. It must be clinically differentiated from other blistering processes, either viral or immunological. Clinically, the mucocele is located superficially or deeply depending on the location, although it has a circumscribed, raised aspect, of several millimeters to 1 cm or more in diameter, with the same coloration as the mucosa or somewhat bluish.

Histopathological characteristics

Microscopic examination shows a fibrous cyst lined with duct epithelial cells , the vast majority of which are oncocytes, which form a pseudo-stratified double layer of cuboidal or columnar cells. It is also feasible to find mucous cells among the eosinophilic oncosites. However, as almost all mucoceles are of the extravasation type, which are formed by a circumscribed cavity in the connective tissue and the submucosa that produces an appreciable elevation of the mucosa with thinning of the epithelium. The cavity is not actually lined by epithelium and therefore is not a true cyst.

Types of mucocele

From the histopathological point of view, there are several types of mucocele that can be due to extramarriage or retention.

  • Extravasation is the most frequent. It consists of a circumscribed cavity in the connective tissuethat is not lined by epithelium, produced by the extravasation of the mucus from the excretory duct, finding some leukocytes and histiocytes. Subsequently it is transformed into a granulomatous tissue with histiocytes, macrophages and mulitnucleated cells as a reaction to a foreign body and, finally, this lining is organized as a connective tissue.
  • Retention within the duct: So the lining in this case is an epithelial tissue with flattened or cuboid cells that resemble those of the intercalar ducts. The treatment of the mucocele consists of its complete surgical excision, although in some cases there is a risk of recurrence.


It can present as a painless, sessile, bluish-colored superficial lesion that is perceived as fluctuating on palpation, other times it is located immediately below the epithelium and resemble a vesicle that can rupture due to trauma. It has no predilection for sex and race but generally the most affected are children or young adults, its size varies from a few millimeters to a centimeter and a half in diameter. On palpation, the mucoceles tend to fluctuate, although those that are firm can be found. They can last several days or even years to disappear and they can have recurrent swellings with the continuous rupture of their content, in some recurring cases we find it with a characteristic bluish color.


Treatment is generally performed if the injury causes discomfort, or if it becomes considerable. In the rest of the cases, spontaneous resolution may occur. Cryotherapy and electrocoagulation have been used with good results. If the mucocele is large, performance improves if an incision is made in the mucocele to extract the content. In extreme cases, surgical removal may be performed, followed by careful dissection of the affected minor salivary gland. However, the best thing is to wait, just as it appeared that by itself it decreased.

Mucocele remedies

It is possible to visit a dentist to remove the mucoceles. A general dentist uses a scalpel and other specialized equipment to remove the cysts. However, if the cyst is neither large nor particularly complicated, you can resort to the following natural and home remedies that will help you treat the symptoms and eradicate mucoceles from your mouth.

  • Honey Treatment: Honey has antibacterial properties, and has been used for a long time to treat various skin problems and infections. Applying honey to the cyst will make it possible to reduce the inflammation little by little in a few days. You can also apply honey to the cyst before going to sleep each night. Using organic honey can be more beneficial in this regard.
  • Mouthwash: Using strong mouthwash with antibacterial ingredients can help soften the cyst in the mouth and easily burst. However, you should use an alcohol-free mouthwash for best results.
  • Sage: It is an aromatic herb that is found mainly in the Mediterranean region. It has very efficient natural astringent and anti-inflammatory properties to treat mucoceles. You can use sage extract to treat mucocele and mouth sores. Use it as a mouthwash, but you shouldn’t swallow it.
  • Warm salt water: The simple table salt used can be used as a natural remedy for the removal of mucous cysts. Take a cup of warm water and mix some grains of salt in it. You can now use it as a mouthwash about three times a day or less to soften and burst mucoceles. In a few days, the cysts will be gone.


The boy is a pathology that must be kept under observation, knowledge of it is necessary, as well as its clinical diagnosis, a good questioning and an adequate examination are not enough, although it is a benign oral lesion, the most prevalent etiological factor is the rupture of the peripheral salivary ducts, due to a traumatic injury, the histopathological study is essential to establish the definitive diagnosis and its most appropriate treatment plan, as the case may be, the practice of biopsy in recurrent episodes on mucoceles, more specifically through the marsupialization technique because if it is not completely eliminated it tends to create recurrence. Any traumatic event that has occurred in early childhood, childhood, adolescence and maturity must be taken into account,


by Abdullah Sam
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