Leucorrhinia proxima

Leucorrhinia proxima is a species of dragonfly in the family Libellulidae. It is found across Canada as far north as Alaska and south to parts of the northern United States .


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  • 1 General characteristics
  • 2 Biological cycle
  • 3 He lives
  • 4 Sources

General characteristics

In their adult stage they measure between 30 mm and 35 mm. They have two pairs of strong transparent wings and an elongated body. They have excellent eyesight thanks to the peculiar structure of their eyes which gives them a 360º visual field. They can live up to four months and their adults.

Biological cycle

The females lay eggs in small cracks in the mud or moss. They spend most of their lives as underwater larvae , feeding on other invertebrates or even vertebrates, such as tadpoles or fish .


Commonly found in most swamps, river banks, lakes, and small ponds.

by Abdullah Sam
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