Kinesiological tape

Kinesiological tapes, It is an elastic bandage (only longitudinally) and adhesive. The bandage does NOT have any type of medicine. It comes prestressed and adhered to a paper that is removed when sticking it on the skin. It is 100% cotton and hypoallergenic. It can be tightened up to 140% and equals the elasticity of the skin, as well as its thickness and weight that are also similar to the skin. It can get wet and does not peel off. Its application lasts approximately 3 to 5 days depending on a good placement technique and the quality of the bandage. It is one of the rehabilitation products that complement the role of medicine, stabilizes and strengthens muscles by improving circulation, avoiding cramps and removing stress, provides external support that helps prevent injury or recover from injury. It meets the needs of sports medicine and rehabilitation without limiting the ability to move. The use of the kinesiological tape is able to help in the recovery of almost any bodily discomfort. In lymphatic therapy it allows to improve the functions of the lymphatic system through the circulation.


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  • 1 Physiological effects
    • 1 Circulatory effects
    • 2 Analgesic effects
    • 3 Neuromechanical effect
  • 2 According to the objectives of the treatment
  • 3 According to the form that the bandage will take
  • 4 Recommendations when applying the bandage
  • 5 The colors
  • 6 Indications
  • 7 Contra indications
  • 8 Sources

Physiological effects

Circulatory effects

If the bandage is applied correctly, skin folds can be seen underneath it. This increases the subcutaneous space where the arterio-venous and lymphatic capillaries and the sensitive receptors are, which would release the pressure of the mechanoreceptors and perilymphatic capillaries, thereby reestablishing blood circulation and lymphatic evacuation.

Analgesic effects

Increased circulation in the painful area would remove accumulated tissue debris and inflammatory mediators, and this would improve pain. But more specifically, analgesia occurs due to the fact that the neuromuscular bandage fabric, by forming skin folds, would increase the interstitial spaces, separate the epidermis from the superficial and deep fascia, which would release the pressure on the hypersensitive mechanoreceptors and nociceptors, decreasing the painful input.

Neuromechanical effect

Acting through traction on the skin, the bandage affects the subcutaneous cell tissue and the fasciae. This minimal but sustained mechanical effect over time would have its effect on the muscle tone on which the bandage is applied (increasing or decreasing it). It also generates an exteroceptive stimulus that improves the quality of movement.

According to the treatment objectives

There are different techniques that can be used alone or in combination depending on the objective of the treatment.

  • Muscle technique
  • Ligament or tendon technique
  • Joint correction technique
  • Pain point technique or to increase spaces
  • Hematoma, scar and fibrosis technique
  • Lymphatic drainage technique


According to the form that the bandage will take

According to the forms they are distinguished

  • “I” strips
  • Y-strips
  • “X” strips
  • Fan strips or octopus
  • Mesh or cross straps

Recommendations when applying the bandage

That the skin is clean and free of oil, using a cotton ball with alcohol to remove oil. That the area is free of hair, so it is recommended to shave the area. This will improve the action of the bandage as well as its duration. As it will also avoid the inconvenience when removing the bandage. In the first minutors there may be itching under the bandage, if this itching persists for a longer time, it should be removed. After showering, do not dry the bandage with hot air (hair dryer), as this can cause it to adhere too much to the skin and have difficulty removing it.To remove it with less pain, it is better to previously wet it and tighten the skin by removing it in hair direction.

The colors

Being a technique of oriental origin, and based on chromotherapy, the different colors have different therapeutic properties. Red-fuchsia: absorbs more light, it is used to increase the temperature of the area. Usually in subacute or chronic muscle injuries. It is stimulating. Blue: reflects more light, it is used to decrease the temperature of the area. In general, in acute injuries, injuries that occur with inflammation (sprains, tendinitis …) and in lymphatic applications. It’s relaxing. Beigel color. Black: it began to be used due to the great demand at the aesthetic level and today it is one of the most used colors. It is usually used as reinforcement of other colors. Other colors: The color yellow and orange resembles fuchsia in effect, the color white resembles blue, the color green is intermediate and is associated with stress injuries.


  • Pain relief.
  • Decreased inflammation.
  • Decreased bruising.
  • Joint protection.
  • Improve proprioception.
  • Correct posture.
  • Fascia correction.
  • Hypotonic muscle stimulation.
  • Inhibition of hypertonic muscles.

Against indications

Your application may be contraindicated:

  • Wounds: being a non-sterile bandage, the neuromuscular bandage should not be applied directly to a wound.
  • Allergies: allergies to the bandage material are rare, but if they appear they should not be used. In children, it is important to use a test strip before applying.
  • Fragile or irritated skin: we must observe the state of the skin before applying kinesiotape, and in case of applying the bandage, be very careful with the tensions that we apply.
  • Skin diseases: psoriasis, neurodermatitis …
  • Severe trauma: its use is contraindicated until a specific diagnosis of the injuries is made.
  • Thrombosis: May cause the release of a thrombus by increasing circulation.
  • Dynamic type edema (of cardiac or renal origin): in these cases we should not further increase blood and lymphatic circulation.
  • Cancer and metastasis: in these cases we should not increase blood and lymphatic circulation any more.
  • Diabetes: it can cause decompensations in glucose levels by varying the need for insulin if we apply the kinesiotape in the areas where the insulin is punctured, since it can increase its absorption.
  • Pregnancy: we must pay special attention to the areas where we apply the neuromuscular bandage, since by segmental relations we can influence the uterus or the pituitary-hypothalamic-ovarian axis.
  • Lack of results: if after 2 or 3 applications there are no results, we should look for other treatment alternatives.

Like all techniques, it requires basic and special training. In addition, it requires knowledge of the anatomy and biomechanics of the body to know where it is placed and why. Which is why I recommend that it be applied by certified professionals in neuromuscular bandaging courses.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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