Is Bontril Stronger Than Phentermine? A Comparative Look

When discussing weight loss medications, both Bontril and Phentermine often come up in the conversation. These medications belong to the group known as anorectics or appetite suppressants, and both are used as adjuncts to diet and exercise in the treatment of obesity. Let’s take a comparative look to understand if one is stronger than the other.

Is Bontril Stronger Than Phentermine?

1. Chemical Differences

  • Bontril: The active ingredient in Bontril is phendimetrazine.
  • Phentermine: This contains phentermine as its active ingredient.

Both are sympathomimetic amines, which means they stimulate the release of norepinephrine in the brain, leading to appetite suppression.

2. Mechanism of Action

While both Bontril and Phentermine work by suppressing the appetite, they do so by slightly different mechanisms. They both increase levels of norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter that signals feelings of fullness and satisfaction, thereby decreasing appetite. However, their exact molecular pathways and the extent of their effects might differ.

3. Efficacy

It’s hard to directly compare the strength of these two drugs as there haven’t been direct comparative studies between Bontril and Phentermine. Both medications have shown efficacy in promoting weight loss when used alongside a healthy diet and exercise, but individual responses can vary.

4. Side Effects

Side effects can be a significant factor when considering the strength of a drug. Both medications have potential side effects, which may include:

  • Increased heart rate or palpitations
  • High blood pressure
  • Insomnia
  • Dry mouth
  • Dizziness
  • Constipation

It’s worth noting that side effects can vary in intensity and occurrence from person to person. What might be intense for one person could be mild or non-existent for another.

5. Duration and Formulation

Phentermine is often prescribed for short-term use, typically a few weeks. Bontril has a short-acting form and an extended-release form, which might be taken for a bit longer, but still typically on a short-term basis.

6. Dependency and Abuse Potential

Both phentermine and phendimetrazine are classified as Schedule IV controlled substances in the U.S., indicating that they have a potential for abuse and dependency, though this potential is considered low.


It’s not accurate to claim that Bontril is “stronger” than Phentermine or vice-versa without considering individual reactions, specific goals, and the overall health profile of the patient. Both drugs have demonstrated effectiveness in promoting weight loss, but they also come with potential risks and side effects. Anyone considering these medications should consult with a medical professional to determine the best option for their unique situation.

by Abdullah Sam
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