Inter-American Democratic Charter

Table of Contents

WHEREAS the Charter of the Organization of American States recognizes that representative democracy is indispensable for stability. The peace and development of the region and that one of the purposes of the OAS is to promote and consolidate representative democracy within the respect of the principle of non-intervention.
RECOGNIZING the contributions of the OAS and other regional and subregional mechanisms in the promotion and consolidation of democracy in the Americas.
RECALLING that the Heads of State and Government of the Americas gathered at the Third Summit of the Americas. Held from April 20 to 22, 2001 in Quebec City. They adopted a democratic clause that establishes that any unconstitutional alteration or rupture of the democratic order in a State of the Hemisphere constitutes an insurmountable obstacle. For the participation of the government of said State in the Summits of the Americas process;
TAKING INTO ACCOUNT that the democratic clauses existing in the regional and subregional mechanisms. They express the same objectives as the democratic clause adopted by the Heads of State and Government in Quebec City.
REAFFIRMING that the participatory nature of democracy in our countries in different areas of public activity. It contributes to the consolidation of democracy of democratic values ​​and to freedom and solidarity in the Hemisphere;
WHEREAS the solidarity and cooperation of the American States require their political organization. On the basis of the effective exercise of representative democracy and that economic growth and social development based on justice and equity and democracy are interdependent and mutually reinforcing;
REAFFIRMING that the fight against poverty. Especially the elimination of critical poverty. It is essential for the promotion and consolidation of democracy and constitutes a common and shared responsibility of the American States;
BEARING IN MIND that the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man and the American Convention. On Human Rights they contain the values ​​and principles of freedom, equality and social justice that are intrinsic to democracy;
REAFFIRMING that the promotion and protection of human rights is a fundamental condition for the existence of a democratic society. And recognizing the importance of the continued development and strengthening of the inter-American human rights system for the consolidation of democracy;
WHEREAS education is an effective means to promote citizens’ awareness of their own countries. And, in that way, achieve meaningful participation in the decision-making process. And, reaffirming the importance of the development of human resources to achieve a democratic and solid system;

Read also: Democracy and the Inter-American System )

RECOGNIZING that a healthy environment is indispensable for the integral development of the human being, which contributes to democracy and political stability;
BEARING IN MIND that the Protocol of San Salvador in the area of ​​economic, social and cultural rights emphasizes the importance of such rights being reaffirmed, developed, perfected and protected in order to consolidate the democratic regime representative of government;
RECOGNIZING that the right of workers to freely associate for the defense and promotion of their interests is fundamental to the full realization of democratic ideals;
GIVENthat, in Santiago’s Commitment to Democracy and the Renewal of the Inter-American System. The Foreign Ministers expressed their determination to adopt a set of effective, timely and expeditious procedures to ensure the promotion and defense of representative democracy while respecting the principle of non-intervention; and that resolution AG / RES. 1080 (XXI-O / 91) established. Consequently, a mechanism of collective action in the event of an abrupt or irregular interruption of the democratic institutional political process or the legitimate exercise of power. For a democratically elected government in any of the Member States of the Organization. Thus materializing an ancient aspiration of the Continent to respond quickly and collectively in defense of democracy;
RECALLING that, in the Nassau Declaration (AG / DEC. 1 (XXII-O / 92)), it was agreed to develop mechanisms to provide the assistance that Member States request to promote, preserve and strengthen representative democracy. In order to complement and execute the provisions of resolution AG / RES. 1080 (XXI-O / 91);
BEARING IN MIND that, in the Managua Declaration for the Promotion of Democracy and Development (AG / DEC. 4 (XXIII-O / 93)), Member States expressed their conviction that democracy, peace and development are inseparable and indivisible parts of a renewed and integral vision of American solidarity. And that on the implementation of a strategy inspired by the interdependence and complementarity of these values ​​will depend the Organization’s ability to contribute to preserving and strengthening democratic structures in the Hemisphere;
WHEREAS , in the Declaration of Managua for the Promotion of Democracy and Development. Member States expressed their conviction that the Organization’s mission is not limited to the defense of democracy in cases of breach of its core values ​​and principles. But it also requires permanent and creative work aimed at consolidating it. As well as a permanent effort to prevent and anticipate the very causes of the problems that affect the democratic system of government;
BEARING IN MIND that the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Americas, on the occasion of the thirty-first regular session of the General Assembly. In San José, Costa Rica, complying with the express instruction of the Heads of State and Government meeting at the Third Summit, held in Québec City.
They accepted the basic document of the Inter-American Democratic Charter and entrusted the Permanent Council with its strengthening and expansion. In accordance with the OAS Charter, for final approval at an extraordinary session of the General Assembly in the city of Lima, Peru.
by Abdullah Sam
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