Importance of the Theater

Theater is one of the oldest and most primary artistic forms known to man. Already in ancient societies, in which other more current art forms did not yet exist, theater held a great place since it was a phenomenon from which a society could expose in a tone of tragedy or comedy those elements that characterized its everyday. The theater is considered an art form since it has several elements that have to do with the subjectivity and creativity of those who take part in it: scripts or stories, ways of interpreting them, pictorial styles and graphic art when establishing A set design, music, dance and many other elements are what make up the theater and make it a very complete phenomenon.

We can point out that the importance of theater lies in the fact that, being one of the oldest artistic forms of the human being , it is perhaps one of the most accessible but at the same time more complex. When we say accessible, we are referring to the fact that it is not necessary to have a large capital to be able to represent a dramatic work (unlike what happens for example, when painting a painting or making a film). However, it is also complex because it involves a very high elaboration work in which different artistic techniques are combined that can make the same work be represented thousands of times with thousands of different meanings.

The theater is important for the human being since it allows him to express through the interpretation of real or fictitious stories emotions , fears, sensations , doubts, concerns and through them appeal to an audience that feels more or less close to those realities and that you can identify with them.


by Abdullah Sam
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