Importance of Romanticism

From the beginning of humanity, the Human Being has been able to group together in different communities in order to better subsist to the difficulties that the surrounding environment put before him, in addition to being able to obtain better Goods and Resources , giving way to the formation of a side of the first Villages or Tribes and more later, as there were more and more inhabitants, of the Primitive Societies that had various forms of organization .

These societies grew notoriously as their members increased their Sense of Belonging , and for this, not only the activities aimed at subsistence were present, but also the appearance of Culture and Tradition , which later derived in the development of Art and Literature , with a movement that was dynamic and changing over the years.

In this way, depending on the Social and Political Context (and in some cases even Religoso ) of the region where it is developed, periods known as Cultural Movements may appear , which last for a set time and capture in each of the Artistic Creations a style Defined and fairly similar characteristics among the different authors.

One of these styles is precisely Romanticism , emerged as a preposition on the one hand to the Enlightenment as a current that had as its supremacy the use of reason and objective knowledge, while on the other hand it contrasted with the Classicism that sought to revive the different concepts, aesthetics and artistic qualities that became popular in Classical Antiquity .

In this case, this movement sought that the fundamental and priority was everything related to Feelings and Emotivities , trying to ensure that in each work both the author and those who delight in observing it manage to generate some Emotion or Emotional Response , despite having fundamentally a Rational Spirit .

For this current, the most important thing is the Subjective and Personal , the appreciations that the Human Being has about the world around him, contributing his point of view but always from a Critical Look , fundamentally looking for what escapes the common or normal but It is about a Different Fact , that moment that stands out from the rest and that as we have mentioned, has a Sentimental Value that can be reflected in any of the artistic creations that had a boom in the United Kingdom and Germany at the end of the 18th century .


by Abdullah Sam
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