The virginity of a woman is very important in some societies, cultures and in many religions. The hymen is located inside the vulva which is an external genital organ and is a subtle state of tissue which generally breaks with the first sexual intercourse, but also with intense sporting activity and the use of vaginal swabs.

The repair of the hymen , the hymen reconstruction, hymen surgery, the hymenoplasty or rivirgination are terminologies that refer to the intervention of the hymen reconstructive cosmetic surgery.

The most commonly used interventions in hymen surgery are essentially two:

Simple hymenoplasty: the surgeon remodels the hymen that has been torn. The surgery is performed under local anesthesia, in a day hospital regime and lasts about 20 minutes. The patient can return to her work the next day and sexual activities in about a month.

Allograft hymenoplasty: if the hymen cannot be restored, then an alloderm type biomaterial is necessary. The surgery is performed under local anesthesia, in a day hospital regime and lasts about 40 minutes. The patient can return to her work the next day and sexual activities after about a month.


by Abdullah Sam
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