What Is Hypnotic Drugs;Complete Guide About Sedative Hypnotic

Hypnotic drugs reduce tension and anxiety, induce sleep, and in large doses, cause drunken­ness and resultant impairment of behavioral controls. There are no specifically susceptible personality patterns, but most patients are either markedly neurotic or have a character disorder, or a mixture of both. Depressive reactions may pre­dispose to hypnotic dependence because of the associated insomnia, and dependence frequently results from medical prescription. Alcoholics and opiate abusers frequently become dependent on hypnotic in attempts to supplement the effects of their usual drugs.

Drugs and Mode of Use.

Hypnotics (class I-B in the table) generally are taken orally. Occasionally, opiate abusers will take them intravenously. The amounts range from 4 to 50 hypnotic doses daily, frequently including several different drugs. Drugs are often obtained by prescription from dif­ferent physicians, none of whom realizes that the patient has more than one source.

Distribution and Metabolism.

All the hypnotic drugs are well absorbed when taken orally and are generally distributed throughout the body. Only small amounts reach the central nervous system. Most of the drugs are metabolized in the liver by hydroxylation, dealkalization, and conjugation (barbital is an exception) and are excreted in the urine or bile. The metabolites of the drugs do not account for tolerance or physical dependence. The barbiturates that are metabolized in the liver stimulate induction of enzymes concerned with oxidation and hydroxylation, so that the metabolic degradation of barbiturates proceeds more rapidly, and the increased rate of transformation partly accounts for tolerance.

Physiologic Changes.

hypnotic elevate the threshold for excitation of all types of neurons and depress all„ kinds of central reflexes. Cortical neurons and those of the reticular activating sys­tem are the most sensitive. Neurons of the cere­bellar-vestibular system are the next most sensi­tive, followed by the spinal neurons. Midbrain centers are the most resistant. In sufficient dose, all drugs of this type cause respiratory and cardio­vascular depression.

During addiction partial tolerance develops that is never as complete as tolerance to opiates. Toler­ance is due partly to increased metabolic degrada­tion of the drugs and partly to adaptive cellular changes in the central nervous system. As with the opiates, the adaptive changes oppose and outlast drug action so that abstinence manifestations are opposite to acute drug effects. Early in chronic intoxication, thresholds for electrical induction of convulsions are increased. As tolerance develops, the electroconvulsive threshold declines to nor­mal levels. When the drugs are abruptly with­drawn, the convulsive threshold falls below normal.

Theories of Tolerance and Dependence. Cellular tolerance t adaptive i develops by unknown mech­anisms so that neurons function almost normally in the presence of high blood concentrations of drugs. Changes in the level of gamma aminobutyric acid in the brain may play a role.

Clinical Manifestations.

The manifestations of chronic hypnotic intoxication resemble those of alcoholic intoxication, and include lethargy, ataxia, nystagmus, slurred speech, impaired judgment, and emotional lability. As chronic in­toxication proceeds, partial tolerance develops, and the symptoms on a particular dose become less noticeable. However, tolerance is limited and, if it is exceeded by even a small amount, signs and symptoms of intoxication reappear. Behavioral disturbances range from simple confusion and in­creased emotional lability to paranoid psychotic states. Patients become untidy and disheveled, neglect their work, suffer from disturbed judgment, and exhibit impulsive behavior.

Abstinence Syndrome,What Happens To The Person Who Takes An Overdose of a Sedative Hypnotic Drugs?

When hypnotics are abruptly discontinued following long-continued ingestion, a stereotyped, self-limited illness occurs. “Minor” symptoms include anxiety, tremors, rest­lessness, insomnia, postural hypotension, nausea, and vomiting. “Major” symptoms include convul­sions, delirium, and high fever. In contrast to opiate abstinence, that from hypnotics is dangerous to life.

Several factors affect the severity of abstinence. Significant dependence usually occurs only in patients taking three to four hypnotic doses daily in whom minor symptoms and, occasionally, a con­vulsion appear upon withdrawal. When five to six hypnotic doses are taken daily, half the patients convulses and a third suffer delirium upon with­drawal. If eight doses or more are taken daily, convulsions occur in 75 per cent and delirium in 60 per cent. To produce abstinence signs and symp­toms requires at least a month of continuous use; the longer the use, the more severe the absti­nence syndrome. Signs and symptoms appear quickly following withdrawal of short-acting drugs such as meprobamate, pentobarbital, or chloral hydrate, but develop more slowly and persist longer after withdrawal from barbital, phenobarbital, and glutethimide. Recovery is usually complete in two to three weeks.

When hypnotics are abruptly withdrawn, the patient first “sobers up” and appears to improve. He then complains of nervousness, tremulousness, weakness, and insomnia. Startle responses, mus­cle twitching, hyperactive stretch reflexes, weak­ness, and postural hypotension emerge. The syndrome usually terminates in one to five days, either suddenly after a “critical” sleep or gradually. Recovery is complete and without permanent brain damage.

Diagnosis About Sedative Hypnotic Drug.

Diagnosis of dependence is usually made from the history, and should always be sug­gested by signs of drunkenness without the odor of alcohol. Tests are available for some of the drugs and their metabolites in blood and urine. Absti­nence from hypnotics is too dangerous to warrant establishing the diagnosis by withholding drugs, and thus is best established by determining toler­ance to test doses of hypnotic drugs (vide infra).

Treatment About Hypnotic Drugs .

Treatment includes withdrawal, rehabilitation, and aftercare, Withdrawal must be conducted in a hospital, nursing home, or other institution. Since abstinence from hypnotics is dangerous to life, it should be prevented if possible and, if present, should be treated vigorously, As mentioned above, the drugs in group I-B are all partially equivalent so that any of them can be used in conducting withdrawal. Pentobarbital is as effective, flexible, and safe as any other member of the group, If the diagnosis is established before signs of abstinence have appeared, the patient is given no drugs until he is sober.

Next, the least amount of pentobarbital that just maintains a mild but manageable degree of intoxication – the “stabilization dose” —must be established by trial and error. After the patient has become sober he is given a test dose of 0.2 gram of pentobarbital orally and is examined one and a half hours later, The desired effect is mild intoxication manifested by inconstant slow nystagmus on lateral gaze, slight dysarthria, and swaying, but not falling, on the Romberg test. If the desired endpoint is at­tained on the first test, 0.2 gram of pentobarbital is given orally every six hours, but the patient must be re-examined one and a half hours after each dose, since pentobarbital effects may cumu­late,

If the patient is tremulous, agitated, and twitchy one and a half hours after the first test, the dose was insufficient and should be immedi­ately reinforced with an additional 0.1 gram of pentobarbital, which may be repeated at hourly intervals until the desired effect has been attained, after which the patient can be placed on a regular schedule, If the patient becomes grossly ataxic, has constant nystagmus, dysarthria, and emo­tional lability after the test dose or any subse­quent dose, too much pentobarbital has been given and the next scheduled dose should be reduced. In this way, the amount of drug required is triturated to the individual’s requirements. The stabilization dose is diagnostic as well as therapeutic. If-the patient can take 0.4 gram of pentobarbital daily without gross intoxication, he is tolerant to,, and mildly dependent on, drugs of type I-B. If he requires 0.6 to 0.8 gram daily, he is strongly dependent; and if he requires more than 0.8 gram daily, he is severely dependent. After the stabili­zation dose is known, the patient is maintained on that dose for a day or two while necessary exam­inations are being obtained.

The dose of pento­barbital is then reduced progressively by 0.1 gram or less daily. Withdrawal is usually complete in 4 to 14 days. If the patient cannot or will not take pentobarbital orally, it may be given by intramuscular injection initially in the same fashion as described for oral use. Generally, pa­tients can be switched to oral drugs after a few intramuscular doses.Convulsions, delirium, or fever should be treated as emergencies. The patient should be given 0.2 gram of pentobarbital intramuscularly at once and additional doses of 0.1 gram at hourly intervals until asleep; additional doses should be given as required to maintain sleep for 8 to 12 hours. He is then allowed to awaken and to become sober, after which the stabilization dose is deter­mined as described above.

Fluid and electrolyte losses must be replaced and complicating medical or surgical conditions treated. Increasing fever without evidence of in­fection requires additional sedation, antipyretic?, sponging, or cooling blankets.The same system of stabilization on pentobarbi­tal to maintain slight drunkenness followed by progressive daily reduction of the pentobarbital can be used in treating abstinence from alcohol (see below).The phenothiazines, reserpine, and the butyrophenones and diphenylhydantoin are ineffective, and should be avoided.

After withdrawal the patient needs two to three weeks for convalescence, during which institution of psychiatric treatment is desirable. Following discharge, the patient should be supervised, preferably for years. Participation in Alcoholics Anonymous may help. Prognosis is guarded and relapse is frequent. Depression and suicide attempts may follow withdrawal.

Is Hypnosis Effective for Relieving Pain?

In the medical world, hypnosis is called hypnotherapy. It is a practice of inserting suggestions into a person’s mind, thus bringing them into an unconscious state. Hypnosis in the medical field is often used, among other things, to relieve pain. The question is, is it effective?

According to dr. Karin Wiradarma from KlikDokter , hypnosis is increasingly being used in medical practice. “For example, to control unwanted behaviors, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, and excessive eating patterns,” said dr. Karin.

Hypnosis for pain relief

Recently, researchers from the University of Greenwich in London, UK, tried to see if hypnosis could be useful in reducing certain types of pain. To do this, they collected and analyzed up to 85 studies. The results of their study were published in the journal Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews in April 2019.

Over the years, several studies have looked at hypnosis as an analgesic or pain reliever. Researchers call this hypnoanalgesia. For example, a study published in 2016 looked at pain during labor. The researchers concluded, “Hypnosis can reduce overall analgesic use during labor, but not epidural use.”

This is also agreed by Dr. Karin. She said that the hypnosis method can help relieve pain after giving birth. “Yes, that’s right, hypnosis can also be used to help control pain without using drugs. For example, pain during childbirth, post-surgery, due to cancer, and chronic back pain ,” she said.

In another study published in 2000, researchers concluded that there was a moderate to large hypnoanalgesia effect when people experiencing pain were hypnotized. However, the study was considered to have several limitations.

Some results of hypnosis therapy

Unfortunately, there are some people who cannot be hypnotized. However, for those who can be hypnotized, they can feel the benefits, one of which is the problem of pain.

Lead author Trevor Thompson, Ph.D., said: “This is the largest study of its kind to date. We looked at the effects of hypnosis in over 3,500 people, and we present very compelling evidence. About 15% of the population is highly receptive to hypnosis, and those people experience more than 40% reduction in pain.”

It wasn’t just those most susceptible to hypnosis who saw benefits. Those with moderate tendencies actually experienced a 29% reduction in pain. “Based on these findings, most people will experience about a 30% reduction in pain or more. Clinically, a 30% reduction is generally considered to be significant pain relief,” says Dr. Thompson.

Interestingly, the analysis also revealed that whether the person was hypnotized live or through an audio recording, the results were the same.

The results of this study are indeed encouraging. Researchers say that hypnosis can be a safe and effective alternative. They also plan to continue research on hypnoanalgesia , especially for lower back pain. But for now, the data is still incomplete to really conclude that hypnotherapy can indeed relieve pain.