Hyper Scape Beginner’s Guide

Our Hyper Scape beginner’s guide includes a comprehensive overview of every aspect of the game along with some tips and tricks that may come in handy as you embark on daring adventures in this Battle Royale.

Hyper Scape Beginner’s Guide

If you decide to dive into the difficult world of Hyper Scape blindly, you may find yourself beaten pretty hard.

That’s why we have our Hyper Scape beginner’s guide below. So, without further ado, let’s go right now!

Verticality, Design and Districts
With tall, dense and spacious buildings all around, verticality plays a crucial role if you want to get the upper hand over other players.

Given the design of the map, always try to put yourself on some sort of high point, which in the case of this franchise is mostly a roof.

If you have the height advantage, you will easily be able to take down a group of other players without much effort.

However, scour the buildings as you make your way up and be alert, you’ll definitely encounter an enemy or two inside.

As the game progresses, the districts will continue to close down one by one, giving you less and less area to move around and hunt down your opponents.

In such situations, being on a roof can dramatically increase your chances of winning.

Drooping, waning, dwindling
Before engaging in the never-ending Hyper Scape bloodbath, you must enter the map with your squad to get things started.

Each team can fall into different corners of the map with the same distance from the center, so there is no tactical advantage to be gained here.

The red light signals on the map show where your opponents have fallen, so adjust your pitch accordingly.

Since falling at any corner point is the same, we recommend that you land on the first corner point you come across and start looting!

Loot and Mergers
From ammo to chests to high-level weapons, there’s pretty much everything you can loot just by looking around.

However, the high-level loot is mostly concentrated in buildings, so if you want to get your hands on those coveted weapons, instead of wasting time, hit the vertical sections of the map right away.

Fusion allows you to upgrade any item you find as loot. Through fusion, you can increase the load of your weapon or boost its damage.

In addition to weapons, fusion also allows you to merge hacks and get a greater overall effect from them.

Below, we’ve curated a list of some of the most useful weapons for beginners to use.

  • Skybreaker– Due to its high penetrating power, this one-shot plasma cannon that carries a pistol can disrupt the ranks of your opposing teams.
  • HexFire– A Gatling gun, although it impairs your mobility, can inflict massive damage, especially when inside a building.
  • The ball– Thanks to its armored outer surface and the fact that you’re in it, it can be quite effective for the 45-second coverage you need while grabbing the crown.
  • Convenient– A smaller version of Skybreaker, this weapon is quite useful for close range combat.

Hacks are skills that can enhance a certain aspect of your gameplay and as previously mentioned, if merged, they can have a much greater impact.

Below, we’ve mentioned a couple of hacks that we think may be useful for beginners.

  • Teleport– With this hack, you can teleport to any point in an instant. It has a short charging period.
  • The Wall– If you are damaged or need a cooldown, you can use it to fend off enemy fires. It would take a lot of bullets to bring down The Wall.

This is probably the most interesting element of the game. What happens is that when you are dead, you become an echo.

It means you are able to jump, run, ping, explore your team, search for enemies or loot.

Nobody, except your teammates, will be able to see you. Being invisible can be very beneficial for your team as all you have to do is spot an enemy and call your team. Your enemy won’t even know he was created!

When your team kills an enemy, a yellow triangle will appear at the kill spot. To resurrect yourself, stand above this triangle and bring your team.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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