Hydronym Perchlorate

Hydronym perchlorate . Also known as Perchloric Acid is a simple acid , the strongest that exists. In its pure state, it is liquid and colorless, it can explode, being unpredictable. Due to its oxidizing nature and its high oxygen content , when it comes into contact with materials, such as wood or paper , it immediately produces a fire. Concentrated perchloric acid, generally present in a 60% aqueous solution, is not usually used as an acid; being more common its use as an oxidizing agent, this being a very powerful characteristic of it. It is used to oxidize metal alloys, in order to be able to analyze their ions.


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  • 1 Chemical formula
  • 2 Physico-chemical properties
  • 3 Chemical hazards
  • 4 Data of interest
  • 5 See also
  • 6 Sources

Chemical formula

The formula of perchloric acid is HClO 4 , and it is obtained by the following steps:

  • Oxide formation:

2Cl + 7O 2 → 2Cl 2 O 7

  • Acid formation:

ClO 7 + H 2 O → 2HClO 4

These steps are those that produce an acid that when in solution in concentrations close to 72% can make an unstable solution capable of being explosive. The solutions of this compound with water are hygroscopic, that is, they capture free water in the medium, such as water vapor from the air .

As the vast majority of acids is capable of giving rise to salts such as ferric chloride, potassium , the perchloride magnesium or perchloride sodium . It is used for the manufacture of spacecraft fuel . It can cause environmental damage since this substance is harmful to aquatic organisms .

Physico-chemical properties

  • Appearance and color:colorless liquid
  • Odor:pungent odor
  • Relative density:(Water = 1) 1.76 to 22 0C
  • Relative vapor density:(air = 1) 3.5
  • Solubility in water:miscible
  • Boiling point:19 0C
  • Melting point:-112 0C
  • Molecular Weight:46

Chemical hazards

The explosion can be caused by intense heating. The substance decomposes on heating, is a strong oxidant and reacts violently with combustible and reducing materials, organic materials and strong bases, creating a fire and explosion hazard.

It attacks many metals forming a combustible gas ( hydrogen ). Acid is unstable if the concentration is greater than 72%; It may explode from shock or jolt when dry or drying. Mixtures with combustible material (such as paper ) can ignite spontaneously at room temperature.

Data of interest

This substance was highly controversial in 1947 , when a container containing a 75% solution of the substance exploded on February 20 at the O’Connor Electroplating Company in Los Angeles , California , 17 people died and 150 were injured. in the accident, which, as a consequence, made companies rethink chemical safety measures.

Accidents with perchlorides continue to occur due to negligent use and industrial malpractice, although less frequently this substance and its derivatives must be treated with care and respect, since their usefulness is enormous, but their dangerousness makes them always have their sights on them.

by Abdullah Sam
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