Human nipple

Human nipple : It is a small bulge in the more or less central part of the breast or breast that contains between 15 and 20 milk ducts arranged around it, surrounded by an area of sensitive skin , with a darker pigmentation known as areola . set its size to about 1 centimeter in diameter and 1 centimeter in length.


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  • 1 Physiological purpose
  • 2 Types of human nipples and their characteristics
  • 3 Diseases in the nipple
  • 4 Symptoms
  • 5 Diagnosis
  • 6 Treatment
  • 7 Sources

Physiological purpose

Its physiological purpose in the female is to supply the infant with the milk that is produced by the mammary glands during pregnancy and the infant’s age at breastfeeding . In the male the nipples are not taken into account, although there have been exceptional cases of male lactation. Newborn mammals have an instinct that encourages them to search for the nipple and at the same time it aspires to express the milk it needs to feed. The nipples come arranged in pairs in all the females, it is rarely the case of females that do not have nipples to feed their babies, such as the platypus, which supplies its progeny by exuding the dairy product through theskin . Most people develop two nipples, one in each breast, although some have more than two, this phenomenon is called polythelia . The rest of mammals have several pairs of nipples, on the order of 3 or up to 4 pairs. The nipples or nipples in men are a holdover from the early stage of embryonic development when fetuses are asexual. In women, the nipples are frequently one of the main erogenous zones (and it should be borne in mind that their mammary breasts are already erogenous zones; although generally the excitability is greater in the nipples); nipple stimulation facilitates oxytocin synthesisin female mammals and therefore in women; female sexual arousal is almost always accompanied by an erection or tightening and hypersensitivity (scientifically called telotism ) of her nipples while she is aroused.

Types of human nipples and their characteristics

There are different types of nipples because the shape, size, areola and nipple are aspects that vary in each woman’s breasts . Quietly, many girls tend to self-complex because they do not like the way their breasts are or know that they have some abnormality in any aspect of this area of ​​their body . However, what they do not know is that many of the problems they think they have can be solved in a practical way or by consulting a specialist. This premise is applied in a particular way to the nipples, which tend to be different for each woman . This tiny area of ​​the breast full of nerve endings is decisive for a female in her intimate moments, to choose herunderwear and even when breastfeeding your baby . In the latter case, it is quite useful to know what type of nipple you have to prepare in advance physically when offering breastfeeding. The dermatologist and pediatrician Dr. Tsippora Shainhouse , talking with Seventeen magazine , identifies 8 types of nipples:

  • Uneven: Montgomery glands are highly visible
  • Flat: the nipples are barely distinguishable in the areolas
  • Hairy: hair growth in areolas
  • Inverted: the nipples are retracted inward into the areola
  • Bulging: nipples protrude from areolas
  • Bulky: the nipple and areola form an equally raised mound
  • Unilateral inverted: only one nipple retracts inward in the areola
  • Supernumeraryor ectopic , which as its name indicates, is located outside the usual area. They can appear on the back , neck , face, and vulva . It is possible that if a woman is breastfeeding, this out of place nipple emanates milk . If so, it is recommended not to stimulate it to dry the internal duct.

The color of the nipple and the width of the areola also vary with each type.

Nipple diseases

The Paget ‘s disease occurs mainly in the nipple and is a cancer of the mammary ducts milk that has spread to the skin of the nipple. It affects men and women equally. The affected person or the doctor may or may not feel the underlying cancer. Sometimes Paget’s disease of the nipple develops in areas other than the breast ( extramammary Paget’s disease ). It can develop in the groin or genital area , or around the anus , and is therefore the result of cancer originating in the underlying sweat glands or even in nearby structures such as the bladder , anus, and thestraight .


The skin in Paget’s disease of the nipple appears red, with oozing and crusting. It looks like a red, inflamed spot on the skin ( dermatitis ), which could be the result of many other possible causes. The pruritus (itching) and pain are frequent.


Because Paget’s disease closely resembles dermatitis , a biopsy is required to make the diagnosis. During this procedure, a small piece of skin is removed for examination under a microscope . As with other cancers, once the diagnosis is confirmed, doctors do an exam and tests to see if the cancer has spread.


  • Tumor removal
  • In the case of Paget ‘s diseaseExtramammary, surgery or therapy with laser

The Paget ‘s disease of the nipple is treated the same as other types of breast cancer . The tumors are removed surgically. The Paget disease outside the breast area is treated to eliminate any growth with surgery or therapy with laser .


by Abdullah Sam
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