How to use Spotify offline mode on Android?

If you have wondered how to use the offline mode in Spotify on Android and Iphone ?, because you want to listen to your favorite songs when you are away from home or when you are on the street and you do not want to waste your mobile data. Well, here we will explain the process in a clear and easy to understand way.

Spotify is a program used worldwide for the reproduction of music files, which is available in almost all languages ​​and platforms , including these, cell phones with both Apple’s operating system and Android. Spotify offers several ways to play your content , as well as a payment system to unlock exclusive content.

How to use Spotify offline mode on Android?

The application can be found in the Play Store , you just have to tap on install and you will have it on your device after a few seconds, if you already have it you have to keep in mind that to be able to listen to your music without internet, you have to have it downloaded on your device, and this is an exclusive option of the payment mode that Spotify has.

The Premium mode has several plans and rates, some of these even take into account the students, who due to their study condition, have no way to afford the most expensive plan. However, if you have any of the Premium options, you can go offline.

What you will have to do is first fill your library with your favorite music that you want to download. You can assign it any name to identify it, once this is done, you will have to look near where you pause and play the song, there you will find an option to download. 

If you are one of those who do not want to spend your data using Spotify , and you want to use it only when you are at home with WIFI, you can deactivate the automatic playback , this will make that when a song is finished, wait for you to put the next one, thus saving your mega while you are on the street.

How to use Spotify offline mode on iPhone?

In ¡Phone the procedure is very similar , what can make the difference is the internal storage that your device has, since in some cases, Apple devices have more storage, but less customization options.

In the same way, you must have the app downloaded and you will have to have subscribed to one of the paid plans , so that you have total freedom in the application. In the same way as we explained previously for Android, in the playback manager you will have the option to download the song you are listening to, or if you prefer, download the entire library that you have saved.

It should be noted that this program only allows you to have approximately 3,000 songs on the same device, but you can always log in with the same account from another cell phone. With this you will see how your song begins to download, and at the end you can tap it to show you where the others are saved.

Something important to keep in mind is that when you are paying a monthly fee in your application, you have to have the greatest security , so that other people cannot enter your account without your permission, for this it is important that you keep your password updated. Try to use passwords that are not common, nor do they have to do with your personal data.

Tips for using Spotify in offline mode

One of the pro’s about using Spotify’s offline mode is that you can access downloaded content instantly and completely, without having to wait for loading times, or having problems when the network is saturated.

Since the songs you select will be downloaded to your storage, you will have to take into account how much space your cell phone has available, so that you do not have problems with other apps that require using part of the memory.

Another factor may be the time it takes for the files to download, if you create a list of more than 30 songs to download simultaneously, you will have to have an internet capable of dealing with all this data load, and if your internet is somewhat slow , it may take a few extra minutes.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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