How to unsubscribe from Apple Arcade

Apple Arcade is the Apple gaming platform that is already taking time to test. However, it may also have made you tired and you don’t want to know anything more. Therefore, we are going to tell you how to unsubscribe from Apple Arcade :

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Unsubscribe from Apple Arcade

On this gaming platform we have more than 100 exclusives, without advertising or in-app purchases. It has been with us since September 16 and is ideal for gamers, for those who love to play and want to have exclusive Apple titles on their devices.

Also, a great advantage of Arcade is that you can try it for free for 30 days . What does this mean? Before paying, you can subscribe for a month and if it doesn’t convince you directly, unsubscribe. But it is important that you cancel the subscription if that happens, otherwise you will be charged so that the trial month passes.

But how to unsubscribe from Apple Arcade ? What steps do you have to follow? The following depending on the device you connect to:

From iOS, iPhone or iPad

  1. Open the App Store
  2. Click on your profile picture
  3. Go to subscriptions
  4. Click on Apple Arcade
  5. Select Cancel trial period
  6. Accept and you already have it

From Mac

  1. Open the App Store
  2. Click on the profile picture
  3. Go to See information
  4. Select Manage
  5. Then go to Apple Arcade and select Cancel trial period
  6. Accept and that’s it

From Apple TV

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Go to Users and accounts and click on your account
  3. Find Apple Arcade
  4. Click Cancel trial period
  5. Accept and go

It is essential that you unsubscribe from Apple Arcade before the end of the 30 day trial if you do not want to be charged. What I do many times is put a reminder to notify me the day before . In this way, you can try Apple Arcade without fear of being charged the next me.

Of course, if you cancel the subscription, you lose the downloaded games. So sign up when you have time to play.

We hope this tutorial on how to unsubscribe from Apple Arcade has been helpful to you.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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