How to Uninstall Tinder Without Losing All Your Matches

Meeting people on the Internet seems to be the most common today, and more so if there are applications developed for this purpose to find a partner. In this regard, we want to tell you about Tinder, one of the best applications for making online appointments . Therefore, many people have decided to open an account on Tinder .

If you are already registered you should know the experience of matching with those who have coincided with you. But what if you want to pause this application? Will you lose all your matches if you do? Do not stay with the doubt and learn how to uninstall Tinder without losing all your Matches .

Index(  )

  1. What happens to my profile if I uninstall Tinder from my mobile?
  2. What are the most common reasons Matches disappear?
  3. What can I do if all my Matches have been deleted?
  4. How can I recover the Matches that were deleted when I uninstalled the app?
  5. How are matches manually removed or canceled?

What happens to my profile if I uninstall Tinder from my mobile?

You may want to leave Tinder for a while, especially if you are in a relationship and want to focus on it. But even if you want your profile to not continue to appear for this reason or other reasons, you should know that your profile will continue to exist even though you have uninstalled the application on your cell phone.

So if after a while you decide to reinstall it, all the multimedia content you have uploaded, such as photos, videos, personal data and conversations in the Tinder chat will be shown as they were. However, in the case of deleting your profile you can definitely unsubscribe and delete the account. To do this, you can enter Tinder technical support in order to know the procedure for it.

What are the most common reasons Matches disappear?

One of the functions that Tinder has to know if someone has captured your attention or vice versa is the match, in this way users can get to know the person they are interested in better, so if you are in this application, do not waste time and start to match on Tinder easily.

However, some of the drawbacks that have arisen in user profiles is that some of their matches have disappeared. But why does this happen? Some of the most common reasons that matches disappear are: because the person with whom you previously matched has deleted their account or canceled the match.

Second, that there is an error in the Tinder server and the platform has crashed. In that case it is best to wait until the services are restored. Third and in the least cases, it can be a bad login, then you can easily solve it by closing and logging in again in order to recover all your matches.

What can I do if all my Matches have been deleted?

As explained above, in the event that your matches have been deleted, what you can do is re-enter the application , either on your mobile device, or you can also enter it in the web version of Tinder from your computer. First, open the app and click on the icon of your profile, then go to the settings, scroll down to click on the option ‘Close session’.

How can I recover the Matches that were deleted when I uninstalled the app?

You should know that by uninstalling the Tinder app your matches do not disappear, what’s more, the profile remains intact, only that due to inactivity your profile does not appear among the first on the list. What you can do is recover a match that was deleted or disappeared on your own. That is to say, that you yourself have mistakenly canceled it.

In this sense, it is important to note that when you cancel a match, it permanently disappears from your list of matches. The only solution to get it back is to delete your Tinder account , create a new profile, match the person again and wait for you to get a like from them.

How are matches manually removed or canceled?

It may be that at some point after having made a match with someone you have been carried away by emotion and in the end it turns out what you least expected. Now that you have thought about it, you prefer to cancel that match, to do so, just go to the Tinder settings on your device and click on the flag icon, then select the option ‘Cancel match’ and that’s it.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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