How to sync candy crush on different devices

Learn How to sync candy crush on different devices. Follow our step-by-step guide and enjoy uninterrupted gaming across all your gadgets.

To sync Candy Crush on different devices, you can follow these steps:

Step Action
1 Install Candy Crush on your new device.
2 Connect the game to the same Facebook or account used on the other device.
3 Allow the game to sync data from the server.
4 Verify that your progress and purchases have been synced.
5 If sync fails, try restarting the game or the device.
6 Contact support if issues persist.

Note: Ensure that you have a stable internet connection during this process. Also, syncing works best when the game is updated to the latest version on both devices.

How to Sync Candy Crush on Different Devices?

  1. Create or Connect to a King Account: The first step in syncing your Candy Crush progress is to create or connect to a King account. This account will serve as your universal login, allowing you to access your game data on any device. If you already have a King account, ensure you are logged in before proceeding.
  2. Link Your Devices: Once you have a King account, it’s time to link your devices. Open Candy Crush on the device where you currently play and navigate to the settings menu. Look for the “Connect” or “Link” option and follow the prompts to link your game to your King account. After doing so, your progress will be securely saved in the cloud.
  3. Install Candy Crush on the Second Device: Take your secondary device, whether it’s a tablet or computer, and install Candy Crush from the respective app store or website. Make sure to download the same version of the game you play on your primary device.
  4. Open Candy Crush on the Second Device: Once Candy Crush is installed, launch the game and select the option to connect or link to your King account. Sign in using the same login credentials you used on your primary device.
  5. Syncing Complete!: Your Candy Crush progress should now be synced across both devices. You can freely switch between them and pick up where you left off without losing any lives, boosters, or levels completed. Enjoy the seamless gaming experience!

Syncing Candy Crush on different devices is an effortless process that will enhance your gaming experience. By creating or connecting to a King account and following a few simple steps, you can seamlessly switch between devices, maintaining your progress, and never missing out on the sweet adventures that await you.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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