How to save battery on my Android cell phone

The duration of the mobile battery is something that all its users are very concerned about , so in this article we will show you how to prolong the battery charge of your Android cell phone or Smartphone.

How to save battery on my Android cell phone or Smartphone by setting the black screen background?

One of the characteristics that we look for when buying a used or new cell phone is that it has the ability to last a long time without the need to constantly charge it .

Due to this demand among Android cell phones or Smartphone, a small rumor was generated that if we put a black screen background, this would help prolong the battery charge due to the absence of color.

However, this totally depends on the type of screen that our Android cell phone or Smartphone has. Those with an IPS LCD screen , as well as freeing space from the internal memory of the mobile , it is useless to put a black screen background to save battery.

Since these screens work with feedback , they always have a pixel layer that is on no matter what colors the wallpaper is.

On the other hand, Android or Smartphone cell phones that have an AMOLED or super AMOLED screen , already save battery by using it, since it works without feedback. In these, each pixel is responsible for projecting its own light.

Therefore, on AMOLED displays, placing a black wallpaper does work to prolong battery life, as it emits less light, fewer colors, and requires less battery demand.

Tips to save battery on my Android cell phone or Smartphone

In IPS LCD screens it is useless to put a black screen background to save battery , however, we can modify the intensity of the brightness and make the light of the feedback not so intense. In this way, the battery demand would be less and the battery charge would be prolonged.

This also works in the case of AMOLED displays, it would be more moderate the brightness of the screen in general and it would extend the battery life a bit more . However, there are times when we need to activate the brightness of our Android cell phone or Smartphone yes or yes.

One of those moments is when we are in the street under the sunlight , since it is impossible to make visible the letters, colors and figures on the mobile screen. In the same way we can apply other tips to save battery on the mobile .

You can try turning off vibration or unnecessary tones such as key tones and vibration when pressing the screen. These functions, although it may not seem like it, consume considerable energy from the battery of your Android cell phone or Smartphone.

Minimize the time for the screen to lock, this way you will waste less brightness while you are not using it . Another tip to save battery on your Android cell phone or Smartphone is to deactivate the connections while they are not being used, such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and GPS or the location of the mobile.

We know that in our Android cell phones or Smartphone we have several of our social networks installed , however, if it is not something urgent, deactivating their notifications helps us to lengthen the load on our mobile.

Try to completely close the applications that you are not using, do not leave them running in the background, since it still consumes load. Another tip, and perhaps the most important, is to activate the “energy saving” mode that most Android or Smartphone cell phones have in their configuration.

How do I know what consumes the most battery on my Android cell phone or Smartphone?

Most Android or Smartphone cell phones include a system that detects which applications consume the most battery , in this way we can limit their use, avoid having them active in the background, and even download a lighter version of them.

To know which applications consume more energy, just open the “settings” or “configuration” section of our Android cell phone or Smartphone, then go to the option of “battery”, “battery use” and there it will give us some brief statistics on all the applications and the battery consumption they generate.

Based on the information obtained, we can deduce which applications are the ones that consume the most battery and evaluate if we can replace these with lighter ones or eliminate them from our Android cell phone or Smartphone.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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