How to Make Flash Animation Using Movie Clips

Adobe Flash Professional allows us to make animations in different formats, today it is the main animation program on the internet that allows us to make a simple animation very easily, its tools allow us to complete the Flash animation process in a couple of hours .

To be able to make an animation in Adobe Flash Professional we need to understand what its basic concepts are and thus be able to understand how to perform this process like a professional. If you also want to design your characters and animate them, you can make them in After Effects.

We will start from the fact that to make a traditional Flash animation it is composed of several frames that contain the same image that is minimally altered, but when all are reproduced together the image obtains movement.

In Adobe Flash Professional we can produce animations at 24 frames per second (FPS), this means that in one second of animations we have 24 frames where all have slight modifications, you can modify the FPS within an animation of 12 or 24, which is recommended for a smoother animation is to use 24 FPS.

How to make a Flash animation using movie clips?

  1. To begin we must download Adobe Flash Professional (Adobe Animate) then start the program by clicking on the File section and then clicking on New document and when selecting the type of document we will click on “Actionscript 3.0” and then OK.
  2. In this way we will have a new document where we will create our animation, we will find the Library section on the right of our screen , there we must place the images in the desired format and music if we need it.
  3. By placing them in the Library section we can access them more comfortably.
  4. To start the animation we will drag the images into the new document and we will see that it is unified to a single image or layer, we will display the Modify menu and there we will select Timeline and finally the option “Distribute in layers” .
  5. We will see that each image is seen as a new layer in the timeline that we have at the bottom of the screen.
  6. In this way we can modify, move or delete any layer within the timeline, for our first frame we need the images to be moved to be in their initial place.
  7. When making the modifications, we will select the images using the click inside the new document and we will right click on a layer of the timeline that will display a menu where we must click on the Cut frames option .
  8. Once this is done we will click on the Insert menu and then on the New symbol option and there a window will be displayed where we must select a name for the new symbol and in the Type option we must place the Movie Clip option to make an  animation .
  9. In this way the first frame of our animation will be created, within this new symbol we must right click where the menu will be displayed and there we will click on the Paste frames option.
  10. In the timeline we must draw a line from top to bottom and with right click we will look for the option “Insert frame” , we will select the layers that we should not modify in our animation.
  11. We will draw timelines in the remaining layers and we will do so leaving spaces of 5 seconds each (F6). Example: first we will draw a line at 5 seconds and then another line at 10 seconds, another at 15 and another at 20.
  12. Between each space of 5 seconds we must re- draw lines (F6) .
  13. To make modifications to our animation we must select points within the timeline, which were those lines that we drew previously, where we will make movements in each one using the “Free transformation” tool (Q) .
  14. Following steps 7 to 13 we will make modifications to the animation that will patiently help us to make the animation correctly, once the animation is finished we just have to save it in the default format and we will have our animation ready.


Within the animation we can add music and interactive backgrounds for our animation. If you don’t have this program downloaded, don’t limit yourself, you can also make a professional fluid animation with Pivot Animator . If you want to learn more about Flash and the Adobe family you can stay at .


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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