How to install the Office package?

If you are a Chromebook user and need to compose documents, you have probably wondered how can I install and run Microsoft office ? This is a simple process and here we will explain how to do it on Google and Chromebook.

The market for notebooks is currently very large, and a company on the scale of Google could not be left behind. For this reason, the so-called Chromebooks came on the market , which are a type of laptop that carries the Google system. In which you can run a large number of programs, even having the possibility of opening mobile apps without problem.

Index(  )

  1. How is Office parcel commonly used?
  2. What are Office programs for?
  3. What programs does the Office package consist of?
    1. Write your own texts with Word
    2. Make charts, budgets and more with Excel
    3. Make your own presentations with animations in PowerPoint
    4. Use Microsoft email: Outlook
    5. Take your notes with OneNote
    6. Save and share your files with OneDrive
    7. Take classes online with Microsoft Teams
  4. How to install the Office package?
  5. How can I open the programs on my computer?
  6. How to install Windows Office on my Chromebook?

How is Office parcel commonly used?

Mainly Office packages are widely used by companies, brands, workers and students to carry out a wide variety of activities. It has different tools that are very useful both for creating databases and presentations; each of its programs creates a harmony to organize the day to day.

However, it does not stop there. The Office suite has several applications or programs that must be used through a device with a supported operating system . In general, this is Microsoft Windows, however, it is possible to use these tools on Chromebook even if it has a Google Chrome operating system.

What are Office programs for?

These programs serve to carry out many activities, both professional and student as well as recreational. Depending on the need, in the Office package we will find a tool capable of facilitating the task, allowing us to work optimally taking advantage of all its functionalities.

In the case of Google and Chromebook, it is possible to take advantage of these advantages by having all the Office packages on the device .

What programs does the Office package consist of?

Next we will describe the programs that make up the Office suite so that you are aware of what it offers you, and what you can do with them.

Write your own texts with Word

One of the main programs is Microsoft Word . This is very common in many areas because it allows you to create documents of many kinds. It is a text tool where you can write anything, plus it has a wide variety of formatting tools, depending on the need.

It is one of the easiest-to-use applications in the Microsoft Office suite , being vital both in the workplace and in the student field.

Make charts, budgets and more with Excel

Another of the most important programs in the Office package: Microsoft Excel . With the growth of companies, it was necessary to have a calculation tool that minimized errors. That is why this program is so important: it offers endless functionalities to create all kinds of control documents , databases, mathematical graphics, budgets and much more.

In Google and Chromebook it is possible to take advantage of this incredible tool to create all kinds of databases as well as algorithms that allow optimizing an activity.

Make your own presentations with animations in PowerPoint

In the same way, PowerPoint is not far behind . This program has all the graphic tools for creating professional presentations. It is widely used by companies in their different meetings, making the most of all the material that can be used in it.

Taking advantage of the Chromebook design, Google allows the installation of PowerPoint. It is even possible to use the device directly as the issuing medium , containing everything you need to make professional-level presentations in the palm of your hand.

Use Microsoft email: Outlook

Likewise, Microsoft has its own email: Outlook . This is the old ‘Hotmail’ where you will enjoy all its features, and more! It is included in the Office package and with it you can organize your emails, send, receive, archive, use the chat to talk with your contacts and much more.

It offers many interesting customizations that will allow you to have full control over your email. That way you can have your emails organized as you prefer .

Take your notes with OneNote

Another interesting application of the Office package is OneNote , in which you can make all kinds of notes . Likewise, you can attach files, documents, set alarms, reminders and highlight everything you want.

Although there are programs similar to this, they do not compare with the experience offered by Microsoft when it comes to taking notes.

Save and share your files with OneDrive

In the same way, OneDrive is an application that offers a cloud storage service . You will find this application in the Office suite, allowing you to easily save and share your documents.

On Google and Chromebook you can take advantage of the free storage that Microsoft offers you , giving you the opportunity to free up space on your device.

Take classes online with Microsoft Teams

Last but not least, Microsoft Teams . This program allows you to enter private chats with audio and video so that you can see your classes in the best possible way. It is very useful for studying at a distance and even for important meetings.

In Google and Chromebok it takes more importance to facilitate the process to be present in meetings or classes through the different channels of the device.

You may notice that the Office parcel offers several interesting programs , which are usually essential for a good work and student development.

How to install the Office package?

In this type of computer, the installation of programs is done through the Google Play Store. Which comes pre-installed in the terminal, and with which we can install Office. First we must open the app store, usually this is found in the operating system’s taskbar.

When loading we will notice that it is very similar to the mobile version, so it will be very familiar to us. If we do not look at the top there is a search bar, here we will enter the name of the program we are looking for. In this case we must enter Office , then press Enter to start the search. An icon with the name of the app should appear and on the right side a box with which we can install it.

We must press on it and wait for the program to download so that it will be installed automatically later. It should be noted that this program has been available in the store for quite some time. But it may be the case that it does not appear , so it is a good idea to update your Chromebook. In this way the store will also be updated and you will have access to all recent apps.

How can I open the programs on my computer?

Once we have the app installed on our Chromebook, we will notice that an icon has been created on the taskbar. From here we can run any installed app without any problem, just click to start it.

You can also check your apps in the start menu and you can also open them from here. Running apps on this system is very similar to that of a Windows system , so it is easy to adapt to it. In case you have doubts about whether to work on this type of computer, you should know that their apps are very well optimized and their execution is very fast.

Allowing you to open several heavy Excel files without any problem, it is an excellent alternative as an office computer with which you can work very quickly.

You should also know that all Office apps on Chromebook are compatible with desktop apps, so you wo n’t have any problem when sending a file to a PC that doesn’t have this operating system. You will also have the possibility to print your documents directly from your Chromebook , without using another PC.

How to install Windows Office on my Chromebook?

If this is the case and you have your executable from the desktop version of Office, and you want to use it on your Chromebook, this is totally possible. You just have to install a plugin from the Play Store. First we must open the store and look for the ‘CrossOver’ app and install it in the same way as we installed Office. After it is installed we must proceed to open it and wait for it to load.

This app has a simple appearance and an intuitive menu, for this process it is recommended that you have active administrator permissions . In this way you will not have problems when installing applications of this type, we must make use of the central search engine that CrossOver brings. We can write any word, what interests us is the option that says ‘applications not listed’.

If we click on this option, a window will open in which we can select the .exe to install, we just have to select the one for our Office and click accept.

In this way, the installation of the program will begin, in exactly the same way as it is done on a computer with a Windows system.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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