How to improve the security of our Mac through the System Firewall

Every Mac model for quite a few years comes with a little-known and tremendously useful feature: the firewall . With this tool we can restrict which apps on our computer receive network connections , an access of vital importance if we talk about security .

Speaking of firewalls, there are third-party solutions that offer us many more functions than the system firewall, however, in this article we will only talk about the integrated firewall, since it is present in all our computers without having to choose, buy or install anything .

By the way, before getting into the matter, a firewall, which we translate as “firewall”, is a software that deals with managing the network connections of an operating system . With this software we can establish rules for connections, ports, applications, protocols, etc.

How to enable and configure the firewall

First we will activate the firewall that, in some models, may be disabled by default . The steps are the following:

  1. In the Apple menu () we choose System Preferences.
  2. We enter Security.
  3. We enter the Firewalltab .
  4. We touch Activate firewall.

Now that we have the firewall activated we will configure it so that it offers us the best possible protection. We touch Firewall options and a series of options appear, let’s see what they mean and the recommended settings:

  • Block all incoming connections (Deactivated):As its name indicates, with this option we block all incoming connections except those essential to have an internet connection. Enabling this option causes the computer to operate at a minimum, so we recommend leaving it disabled.
  • [List of applications and connections]:In this section we see all the “exceptions” that we have granted to the firewall. They can be to allow access or to deny it. The recommendation with this section is that we select any app or service whose name we do not recognize and touch the “-” that appears below to remove it. If the app really needs the connection, it will ask us for permission again.
  • Automatically allow the integrated software to receive incoming connections (Activated):It tells the firewall that all the apps and services that come with the computer, that is, those created by Apple, can receive connections without having to ask us. We activate this option to allow apps such as Music, TV, the App Store, or Mail, to name a few examples, to function properly without requiring our permission.
  • Automatically allow downloaded signed software to receive incoming connections (Disabled):With this option we would give network access to any downloaded app, as long as it is signed. We have seen in the past that the signature process, while useful, is not foolproof either, so we will disable this option and manually grant permissions.
  • Activate covert mode (On):Instructs the Mac to ignore or not accept requests to access the computer from the network, from a simple ping to other types of access. We will activate this setting, especially if we use our computer connected to the work or university network.

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Easy right? With these simple steps we will have managed to considerably increase the security of our computer without reducing any functionality.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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