How To Hide my active status in Meet from Gmail

Google Meet is a platform designed by Google LLC, this application has been very useful for businessmen and professionals, since it allows organizing meetings through videoconferences with a large capacity of participants. Therefore, if you are a teacher you can use Meet to give virtual classes . In the midst of a global pandemic, virtual classes by technological means such as these have been of great help.

In that sense, read until the end of this article, because we want to explain in a simple way a feature about this excellent communication tool, and it has to do with the active status of Gmail in Meet , therefore, here you will learn how to configure your privacy through the mobile app and from a PC.

Index(  )

  1. Why should you hide your activity status on Google Meet?
  2. What is the procedure to hide Google Meet from your Gmail?
    1. From the mobile app
    2. Using the PC website
  3. How can you completely unlink your Meet account from Gmail?

Why should you hide your activity status on Google Meet?

Google Meet is an excellent tool that allows you to schedule meetings , with the participation of a total of 250 people. On the other hand, because its approach is aimed mainly at education professionals and businessmen, it has been designed with security measures to protect the information that is handled in it, in order to give a safe experience to all its users.

However, as well as other important applications such as Facebook and Instagram that show a symbol indicating the active status of users, Meet also has this same integrated function, but for some it can simply be annoying if they do not want other people to see them in line and prevent them from contacting them.

If you think the same, then it is best to hide your activity status, to do so open Google Meet and in the configuration symbol go to ‘Settings’, within it slide to the left to deactivate the ‘last activity’ box .

What is the procedure to hide Google Meet from your Gmail?

Previously, the function of Google Meet and what it is for has been explained in a timely manner , and although some users have decided to download the application, they do not use it, for this reason they have found it necessary to deactivate Google Meet in Gmail. If that is your case, then follow the steps mentioned below to hide Meet from your Gmail , from your mobile device and also from the web version on your computer.

From the mobile app

The Google Meet mobile application is available on Android and iOS devices, therefore, if you have some of these versions follow the same procedure, since the interface is the same in both operating systems. So first open the Google Meet app, then, you must click on the Menu that is located in the upper left part of the screen in the shape of three stripes.

After opening the menu, a series of options will be displayed, after which you must go to settings and click on your Gmail email. Later, you are going to enter a page with several options and divided sections, there look for the ‘Meet up’ section and deactivate ‘Meet for video calls’ .

Using the PC website

To hide Meet from your email in the web browser, you must log into the official Gmail site on your computer. Then, go to Settings on the gear-shaped icon that appears in the upper right-hand side of your PC screen and click on ‘See all settings’.

Next, in the configuration section, click on the Chat tab and meet , within that option select ‘Hide the meeting section in the main menu’. Finally, click on Save changes to confirm this process.

How can you completely unlink your Meet account from Gmail?

On the other hand, if you no longer want your Google Meet account to appear in your Gmail email, what you can do is unlink it from it, this to prevent notifications from the application reaching you or inviting you to meetings, or simply now you do not need to use such a tool.

The steps to unlink Google Meet from Gmail is to go to the linked accounts section and in the Third-party accounts option, then go to ‘Unlink’. In this simple way is how you can make your Meet account no longer appear in your E-mail, however, if at any time it does not allow you to do so, enter Gmail technical support to find a solution.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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