How to help my grandson with autism?

Grandparents play a fundamental role in the education of grandchildren, especially if they have autism. In fact, it is estimated that grandparents detect one in three cases of autism in children and that 34% of them take care of their grandchildren with the disorder at least once a week, according to data from the Interactive Autism Network . In addition, it has been found that 72% of the grandparents of children with autism are part of the decision of the treatment of the child, while actively participating in their education.

However, helping a child with autism is not an easy task, especially for grandparents. It is necessary to be adequately informed about the disorder and have some tools to approach the child, transmit security and gain their trust.

5 tools to help your grandchild with autism

  1. Meet your grandson

It may seem like a truism, but the truth is that not all grandparents know their grandchild well, and this is one of the fundamental keys to helping him overcome the barriers imposed by autism. Learning to recognize their reactions and identify their state of mind, as well as knowing what makes them uncomfortable and what they enjoy will not only bring you closer to your grandchild and improve your relationship with him, but will also help you understand his inner world and thus you can help him you really need. In addition, it is a resource that you can use to participate in choosing your treatment.

  1. Get involved in your favorite activities

A quick and effective way to gain the trust and love of a child with autism is to get involved in activities that they like and are interested in. For example, if the little one is interested in dinosaurs, you can join to see a documentary about these animals, buy him a book on the subject to read together or give him a dinosaur that you can play with. However, try not to force situations and let the child himself decide what to do and when.

  1. Respect their space

All children, but especially young ones with autism who are more introverted and reserved, need adults to respect their space and allow them to make small decisions from time to time. This not only helps them gain self-confidence and self-esteem, but it is also an excellent exercise for them to learn to be more independent. So if you want to earn your grandson’s trust, start by respecting his differences and his personal space.

  1. Teach him to develop routines

Routines are very important for a child with autism as they make him feel more comfortable and secure in his environment, while training his skills in certain habits. Therefore, it is essential that you help your grandson establish daily routines that help him to be more and more independent and autonomous. At the beginning, you can start with simple routines such as picking up toys when you finish playing or washing your hands before sitting at the table, and later move on to more complex habits such as dressing yourself.

  1. Always talk to him

Many grandparents get frustrated when they speak to their grandchild with autism and they do not respond. Sometimes they throw in the towel and stop talking to the little one, setting the tone for what later becomes a cold and distant relationship. However, it is important that you bear in mind that even if your grandson with autism does not answer or react when you talk to him, every time you talk to him you strengthen your relationship and make him feel part of the family dynamic.


by Abdullah Sam
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