How to fix Netflix error code U7121-3202?

The Netflix platform has a very stable service , which from its beginnings until today has had a great reach. Many times the user has problems, for example ‘Error n8151’ when trying to play any content. These inconveniences are represented by various codes that indicate the reason why it occurs.

Among other codes we can find the following U7121-3202 . If you are a person who has experienced this error, then we will tell you how to solve it so that you can continue enjoying any series or movie of your choice.

Index( )

  1. What does it mean and why does the error U7121-3202 appear on Netflix?
  2. How to fix error code U7121-3202 on Netflix?
    1. Undo recent updates
    2. Problem solver
    3. Uninstall and reinstall Netflix

What does it mean and why does the error U7121-3202 appear on Netflix?

If you try to watch a movie or series downloaded from Netflix, but suddenly you get an error with this code U7121-3202, it means that the title has not been downloaded correctly. It usually happens on computers  with Windows 10 operating system. 

Keep in mind that this problem generally occurs on computers that use Netflix through the UWP application or even in their browser. This error is not common to present in the Netflix application intended for mobile phones.

How to fix error code U7121-3202 on Netflix?

Now that we know why this error U7121-3202 occurs on Netflix , we are going to tell you the various ways to solve it. It will not take you more than about 5 minutes to apply the procedure.

  1. Within the Netflix platform in its webor mobile version, click on the menu that is represented by three horizontal lines.
  2. Then you will see the various options, in this case you must click on the one that says ‘my downloads’.
  3. Now click on the edit icon, which is located on the right side of your screen.
  4. You have to select the title you want to delete by clicking on the corresponding box next to the title.
  5. Finally, click on the delete icon represented by a trash can, in this way the title will be completely deleted.
  6. To finish you must re-download said title. 

Undo recent updates

Many Windows 10 users have confirmed that the Netflix error 1 U7121-3202 is solved by undoing the most recent build updates you’ve made on Windows 10. In this way, to do so, do the following:

  1. You must press the Windows keys plus the letter S
  2. In the search box you must place the recovery keyword.
  3. Now you must click on the recovery options, and this will open a configuration window.
  4. All users will be able to revert to a previous build version within 10 daysof the update.
  5. You must click on the start button, which is located below the title that indicates returning to your previous version that Windows had.

Problem solver

  1. If you’re getting the U7121-3202 error when you’re using the Netflix UWP app, you’ll need to run the troubleshooterfound within the Windows Store itself.
  2. You must click on the button that says write here, and in this way you can search with the taskbar and open the search.
  3. In the box write the solution to the problem.
  4. Now you have to select the troubleshoot option in the settings.
  5. Then in the Windows store, you must click on applications and finally click on the button to run the problem solver.

Uninstall and reinstall Netflix

Many times the error that we have already mentioned appears because the Netflix application is not updated. So the best thing you can do is remove it, that is, uninstall it and reinstall it again.   For this we will tell you what steps you have to follow:

  1. On your Windows 10 systemopen the search box.
  2. Now you have to place app.
  3. Click on applications and their characteristics, this will automatically open a new configuration window.
  4. Here you have to select or simply click on your Netflix application.
  5. Then click on the button that says uninstall.
  6. We recommend that you restart your Windows 10 systembefore you try to Install Netflix again.
  7. Once you have restarted your Windows 10 PC you just have to install the Netflix app again. And with this the error will stop appearing permanently.
  8. In the event that said inconvenience is present when you watch Netflix on your mobile, tablet, PC or through the browser, then we recommend that you update them to solve it.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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