How To Fix Error 0xc000007b

Error 0xc000007b occurs when launching Windows applications, programs or games. The code does not tell the average user anything about what happened, why, and how to fix the situation. If a person does not have sufficient competence, it will be difficult to determine what went wrong.

The article will discuss this error, the nature of its occurrence and options for solving the problem. After reading, the user will understand the reasons for the launch failures and will be able to fix the error. The information went through several validation checks and was then used to write an article. One way or another, it helps if an error occurs when starting the application 0xc000007b.

Causes of occurrence

Errors of this type indicate a software problem. This is mainly due to damage to the files of the launched applications or library files, as well as restrictions of an unknown nature. The latter take a direct part in the execution of the launch algorithm. But there are other reasons not directly related. All possible reasons fit into the following list:

  • Compatibility issues;
  • Limited access to launch, the application requires exclusive authority;
  • Damage to the files of the program or game during installation, interrupted installation;
  • Antivirus restrictions on application launch;
  • Damage to library files;
  • Damaged driver files;

Depending on the cause that leads to the failure, a certain method of solving the problem is applied. This error often occurs when launching the application. For example, it often interferes with the launch of itunes.

How to fix error 0xc000007b when starting a game or program? Solution methods

Each option that fixes the error is presented in a list from simple to complex methods, and depends on the cause of the problem. For convenience, instructions are located immediately in the description of the solution method. So how do you fix the error?


Application compatibility issues are caused by a conflict between the user’s operating system and the application being launched when a program or game is built for one operating system and installed on another. For example, the game is designed for Windows XP, but installation and launch is performed on Windows 7. Then we are talking about the reason related to compatibility issues.

It is easy to fix the problem: right-click on the executable file (.exe) of the application – the line “Properties” – the tab “Compatibility” – check the box next to the inscription “Run in compatibility mode” – select the desired option from the list. If one does not help, then try everything on the list.



Limited access and the need for exclusive administrator rights by the application can manifest itself in different ways, including this error. Try to run the application as administrator. To do this: right click on the same file – the line “run as administrator” – confirm the request for execution.



The problem arises precisely when the archives and library files are damaged, which are necessary for the execution of the startup algorithm. In this case, these are malfunctions, conflicts, missing files.Visual c ++, DirectX, .net Framework… These libraries serve as the launch vehicle for most applications, so the probability that the error is caused by a problem within them tends to 100%.

The solution is to install / update the missing libraries. I would like to note that you need to install not the latest version, but everything. For example libraryVisual C ++,must be installed from version 2005 to 2015. (More details on the page with the library itself). Also, note that the libraries may already be installed, but do not work correctly due to missing or corrupted files. In such cases, we recommend that you uninstall all versions through “Programs and Features”, and install everything again.


Method 3 should be used if there is an error in Teamspeak 3 game – this is the manufacturer’s recommendation to fix it. In this case, you can also try to install a different version of the application, for example, not 64x, but 32-bit.


If the installation of the application is incorrect, interrupted, you should uninstall it and start the process again. If it does not help, find another source of the installer, because it is possible that the current one contains errors and, as a consequence, errors occur when starting.


Antiviruses are good and useful, but occasionally they can accept hackers bypassing vendor restrictions on the use of applications like a virus. Therefore, when launching pirated copies, errors may appear without warnings about a virus attack. It’s worth experimenting with disabling your antivirus screens during startup. Plus, antiviruses work according to unknown algorithms and can prevent pirated copies of programs from starting.


Corrupted driver files lead to similar errors. Pay special attention to the software for the video card. Try updating the drivers on the manufacturer’s website. If that doesn’t help, uninstall the driver and install it in a clean way. To do this, you must first download the drivers for Nvidia or ATI Radeon, depending on the manufacturer and model of the video card.


The list of causes and solutions helps in certain cases, and contains information about the nature of the errors. The instructions provided are used to troubleshoot when error 0xc000007b appears when starting a game or program.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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