How to change the theme color of my Facebook on PC

The Facebook Social Network is a platform developed more than fourteen years ago. Since its inception it has been the center of controversy due to the contradictions between its creators and its developer; although Mark Zuckerberg is currently recognized as the main creator, owner and shareholder.

The rise of Facebook is such that it is currently considered one of the most widely used social networks in the world . This is because the platform allows you to share photos, videos, images, gifs, links in comments and endless files; In addition, users can maintain communication and share groups of common interest.

Facebook allows the user to interact with their family nucleus and close friends and also to meet new people around the world. Thus expanding their social environment.

How to change the theme color of my Facebook on PC?

Facebook was launched internationally in mid-2004, and has since become popular with users.

The social network has undergone a series of modifications in order to provide a better service, including the incorporation of new functions. For example, the ability to add stories (images or videos for 24 hours), add music to your stories , emojis, animated figures or tag friends in publications.

However, the physical appearance of the platform itself has not been modified . The Facebook logo has always been blue and gray, as have the search bar, text boxes, settings, newsfeed, friend requests, groups, and more.

Due to this the idea of ​​integrating new colors to the platform has arisen in order to make it much more interactive, for this there are some applications or web pages that are responsible for offering this possibility.

Steps to change Facebook theme color on PC

It is necessary to clarify that so far the social network has not implemented this function on the platform, so it is necessary to make use of other programs or extensions. The steps that we must carry out are the following:

  • Install the Color Changer For Facebook extension : For this, you need to enter the Chrome web Store , as this extension is typical of the Google browser.
  • Once you enter and find the extension, the following is to proceed to install , by clicking on the blue button «Add to Chrome» . The download process begins immediately.
  • Once the download is finished, the program will install automatically.
  • Then, enter Facebook with the usual username and password.
  • Next, you will notice that the extension icon appears at the top right of the screen. You must press on it.
  • Next, a pop-up window will be displayed with the option of activating said program or not.
  • In addition to a list with the different themes available, which have the option to edit their colors, by clicking on the “Edit” option in English. This is located next to each topic.

The possibilities range from adding different colors to the links, the color of the page in general, the writing text and other points on the page, you can add different colors and choose which one suits your personal style.

New settings available on Facebook

With the purchase of messaging Apps such as WhatsApp Messenger, Facebook has implemented new functions in the latter, some of which we can highlight are:

  • Incorporation of moving images or “gifs” as they are mostly known in publications or to comment.
  • The statuses or histories available for a period of 24 hours.
  • Incorporation of clips or sections of song lyrics into statuses or stories.

Another of its functions is adjustments in the privacy and security settings . Through them, Facebook allows its users to decide access to images or publications for other users.

Finally, we hope that this article has helped you. However, we would like to hear your opinion. Have you been able to change the theme of Facebook easily? Leave us your answer in the comments.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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