How to change the gender of a character in Fortnite?

How to change the gender of a character in Fortnite? If you have played a lot of RPGs and are used to the possibility of changing gender, changing the figure, adjusting the color of the eyes, then we are forced to disappoint you. There is currently no such functionality in Fortnite, and the likelihood of the possibility of changing gender is very low. There are several reasons for this.

  1. Fortnite is a free game and the developers want to increase the amount of donations to the game. Therefore, they make paired skins, thus, during the purchase of the skin, they give the opportunity to choose the gender, and if you want both a male and female character, pay twice:

If there are no V-bucks or problems due to sanctions, then we recommend FNFUN Shop! Our store without cheating and with good prices – .

Of course, this is not a detailed customization, but having additional attributes such as backpacks, picks, cloaks and pets will help create your unique style. And so that you have enough V-bucks for all these skins, we recommend that you read the article – how to get V-bucks in fortnite .

  1. The second reason, in our opinion, is the low need for such functionality. Now there are a huge number of skinsin fortnite and they are able to satisfy even the most capricious player.

But if the situation changes, we will definitely inform you about it and update this article. Stay with us.