How to cancel the game in Valorant?

Clearly when we download and install Valorant on the PC the intention when starting a game is to win. However, there are situations in which it is better for us to abandon the game or give up since wasting time is not a reliable option.

Sometimes these situations are out of our reach , such as problems with the server, the internet, problems with the requirements that the PC needs , problems with other players, among others. Here we will show you how you can leave a game of Valorant or surrender.

Is it possible to surrender or ask to surrender in Valorant?

Without a doubt if it is possible to surrender or ask to surrender in the Valorant game. In this game it is not possible to surrender alone, if you want to surrender you have to bear in mind that it will be taken as the resignation of the entire team before the game. Completely yielding the award points to the opposing team.

That is, if you choose to surrender, your team will automatically lose the points of that game necessary to obtain the thirteen that will lead them to victory. To start the surrender process, you must log in to Valorant and while playing the game, open the vote by opening the chat and placing / ff or / surrender.

Once the message is sent to the chat, the vote opens. If they are in competitive play mode, all team members must agree to surrender. They will vote by writing / yes if they agree or / no if they disagree. If everyone agrees, the game will end. Only one attempt to surrender can be made in each phase.

If you’re playing normal mode, when you start the surrender process, it only takes 80% of the team’s players to agree . Voting to surrender can only be started from the eighth round onwards.

How to cancel the game in Valorant?

The Valorant video game included options that allow you to abandon a game without consequences after this, and you can start another one afterwards. This option is available from the menu that appears when you press the ESC key or the Alt and F4 keys at the same time. Which also offers the possibility of rejoining the same game later.

However, in custom games there is no such method to leave them. We must opt ​​for other tricks that are certainly very easy to execute.

For the first trick you must necessarily have the cheat command enabled, for this we must have the personalized game section selected then go to the main menu and select the cheat option and there activate the ones you want. Then press multiple times the option to end game until the game takes you out of it.

Another option, even if it seems like a joke, is to do absolutely nothing in the game. In this way, the game will take you as an AFK, that you are not present, and will throw you out of it thanks to the inactivity of your character. These cheats are valid within the custom games and completely free.

How do you know when to give up on Valorant?

Within a game there are several reasons why a player decides to leave the game. One of the main ones is when you realize that your teammates or one of them is completely ruining the mission or you just take this as a joke and your goal is not to fulfill the mission or earn the points to help get there. the victory.

You can also give up when you see that there is no longer the possibility of winning the game and it is simply a waste of time to continue in it. Just as there are personal reasons for leaving Valorant games , there are also reasons that get out of hand and cause us to leave a game.

Several Valorant players have already had problems with their server , where they are expelled from the game for no reason. This happens due to internal game problems.

However, Riot Games could take action / sanctions against the AFKs, as the video game consists of the constant participation of each player. When a player decides to surrender this means that the team will automatically lose the round.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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