How much money does it take to be happy?

Agree that this is a strange topic for an article. So how much money does it take to be happy? But I wonder if everything in our life can be measured?

You can measure temperature, waist size, salary in the end! Is it possible to measure the amount of money needed to be happy? With this interesting question, I “took to the streets of the city” to ask a variety of people.

Arthur, host: “Happiness does not depend on the amount of money. My happiness is inner harmony. Well, to be honest, 70 green lyamas ”.

Indira, make-up artist: “It’s a difficult question, money is not happiness, but it would be easier for me if I earned 60 thousand.”

Nadezhda, TV presenter: “For some reason I remembered Maslow’s pyramid of needs.”

Elvira, student: “You should have a stable income that allows you to provide yourself with the desired food, personal care, travel, etc. I think people have different requests and the amounts may vary, but a few million will be enough. Several million a year, stable. ”

Maria, makeup artist: “Cool theme! In principle, I am already happy, I have everything. For happiness I need exactly as much as is enough. I have everything, the only thing is, I would like to travel more, therefore, to be fully happy, only for travel to other countries I would like more funds, but I don’t know the exact amount, prices are growing every year ”.

Diana, assistant director: “To be happy you need so much money to be able to satisfy your needs and the needs of your family. Remember Maslow’s pyramid of needs. Well, if there is still a fashionable word – “charity” left to share with those in need, then I think it will be happiness! ”

So, almost everyone tried to measure happiness in rubles. Someone needed only a few tens of thousands a month, but there are people with an eye to “good old age.”

What is happiness? Let’s check the meaning of this word in the dictionary. Happiness is a state of contentment, well-being, joy from the fullness of life, from satisfaction with life.

Let’s try to buy happiness for money.

Let’s say you have the Nth amount of money and you bought yourself a car. Happy? Yes! For a while. Because you already get used to the car, and you want more to get more pleasure or so-called “happiness”.

Then you buy a better car, there will be more happiness, but this feeling will quickly pass.

Travel to the sea.

Trip abroad.

Luxurious fur coat.

A ring with a diamond.

And many, many interesting things! My head is spinning with happiness! And then saturation, satiety and emptiness occurs.

In fact, happiness is an inner feeling. Which depends exclusively on the person himself. And I didn’t come to this right away.

Several years ago, I worked on a home-work-home schedule. Feeling a vicious circle, not getting any pleasure from what is happening to me. Let’s take a look at the schedule I lived by. Surely it will match the schedule of many people.

Morning – woke up. Thoughts: “I don’t want to get up. Back to work ”

Breakfast. Thoughts: “To cook something again. I do not want. It is necessary ”

Drive to work. Thoughts: “Why is this necessary. Awful job. Phew! ”

Job. Thoughts: “Shoot me already. Really have to sit at work all day. And so every day! ”

Drive from work. Thoughts: “Finally. Home. And there again – cleaning … food … “.

House. Thoughts: “Finally, you can take a break from this day!”

Night. Thoughts: “Just sleep, sleep, sleep”

This is probably crazy, but many of us live according to this schedule of emotions – bad, very bad, nothing like that, a little better. True, sometimes we catch fresh positive emotions, especially when there are small children in the family, but then we “return to earth” again.

But I found the strength to turn my life 180 degrees.

So what needs to be done so that the hut turns in front of us, and back to the forest?

Here are some simple recipes that worked for me.

Enjoy every minute of your stay on this earth!

Imagine, you are terribly lucky in this life – you were born. After all, there were many options at the time of conception, but you turned out to be the strongest, fastest and healthiest! Therefore, take advantage of the fact that you were born and enjoy EVERY MINUTE of your life!

And the second rule. Just kidding, there is no second rule. There is only one thing and following it, you will be happy without 70 million money in your pocket.

Let’s rewrite history.

It was:

Morning – woke up. Thoughts: “I don’t want to get up. A terrible day. ”

Thinking ….. I enjoy every minute. “How good it is to get up in the morning and nothing hurts” or “I have a great morning. I woke up – I’m happy. ”

Or a house. Thoughts: “Finally you can take a break from this day!”

Changing the flow of thoughts. “How nice it is to be at home in the evening, put on your favorite robe, climb up on your favorite sofa and relax”.

In fact, everything is simple, you just need to be a little more grateful, conscious and attentive (to yourself and to the people around you).

By the way, “the happiest man in the world” – Matthew Ricard says the same thing! (his performance “The habits of happiness” can be seen here ) I doubt he needs a lot of money to be happy, he’s a Buddhist monk 🙂

So how much money do you need to be happy?


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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