How Long Does It Take For Phendimetrazine To Work

Phendimetrazine is an anorectic agent that belongs to a class of medications called sympathomimetic amines. It’s primarily used as a short-term adjunct in the management of exogenous obesity. Those who are prescribed this medication often wonder how long it takes for Phendimetrazine to start showing its effects. Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect.

How Long Does It Take For Phendimetrazine To Work

1. Understanding Phendimetrazine:

Phendimetrazine stimulates the central nervous system, leading to increased heart rate and blood pressure, while decreasing appetite. It is believed to work by releasing norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter in your brain, which boosts metabolism and breaks down body fat.

2. Onset of Action:

After oral administration, Phendimetrazine is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Typically, the appetite-suppressant effects begin within hours after the dose. Many patients report feeling a decrease in their appetite within the first day of starting the medication.

3. Reaching Peak Concentration:

The peak effects of Phendimetrazine usually occur within 2 to 4 hours after ingestion. This means that after taking the medication, you’re likely to experience the most significant appetite suppression and energy boost during this timeframe.

4. Duration of Effect:

The appetite-suppressing effects of Phendimetrazine can last for varying durations depending on the individual, metabolism, and the specific dosage and formulation taken. Extended-release formulations will have longer-lasting effects than immediate-release forms.

5. Factors that Influence How Quickly It Works:

  • Metabolism: Faster metabolisms might process the drug quicker, leading to faster onset but possibly shorter duration.
  • Body Composition: Factors like BMI can influence drug metabolism.
  • Tolerance: Over time, as the body becomes used to Phendimetrazine, its effects might be reduced, necessitating a dosage adjustment.
  • Other medications: If you’re taking other medications, they can affect how Phendimetrazine works in your system.

6. Important Notes:

It’s important to remember that Phendimetrazine is not a magic pill for weight loss. It should be used in conjunction with a proper diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes. Additionally, like all medications, it comes with potential side effects. Some common side effects include increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure, insomnia, dry mouth, and constipation.

Furthermore, due to its stimulant properties, it can be habit-forming. It should not be taken for longer than prescribed, and discontinuation should be under a doctor’s guidance.


Phendimetrazine can start working within hours of consumption, with peak effects felt within 2 to 4 hours. However, its effectiveness can vary based on individual factors. Always consult with a healthcare professional about the proper use and potential risks of any medication.

by Abdullah Sam
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