How does a computer monitor work?

How a computer monitor works is a very interesting topic, those who study computer science or electronics should know it very well. The monitor or screen represents a very important part of the computer, this being the emblem of the well-known digital age.

If you are not a computer science or electronics student , you probably don’t know anything about this type of gadget that belongs to the computer. But that you do not study it, it does not mean that you are not interested in how a computer monitor works, types, parts and characteristics.

How does a computer monitor or screen work?

As some of you already know, the monitor belongs to what we call the set of hardware of our computer. Like the keyboard, mouse and CPU drawer, the monitor or screen represents the most important hardware in relation to our communication with the PC.

In this way, it can be said that the monitor or screen of a computer plays a very important role for the use of a computer. Without a monitor, there is not much you can do, especially if we are going to use a computer to view, create and process visual content.

The monitor fulfills the function, through a technology of cathode ray electronic tubes , of communicating the CPU with the user, so that together with the mouse and the keyboard, a person can interact with the computer.

But it can also be used for many things, for example, a monitor is used to use a laptop screen as a PC monitor , so that you can link one device while viewing the interface from another.

But it is not the only thing, and it is that in recent years the way of connecting a television to a computer has been created , so that that screen serves as a monitor for it.

What are the types and parts of a computer monitor or screen?

So, you can use various types of monitors , which were not really created for those purposes, but they serve the same way.

And it is that the important thing for an artifact or device to serve as a monitor, is the technology offered by its screen and the way in which it relates to the electronic processes emanating from the CPU.

That is, there are several types of monitors, but as long as they are compatible with the technology of our computer, it is then possible to make even a 42-inch LED screen used as a TV , you can connect it to your computer whenever you want.

In this sense, we emphasize that there are three main types of monitors: LED monitors, CRT (older) and LCD. Each of these has impressive technology, which is necessary to know to choose the best widescreen or ultra-wide monitor.

Moreover, through the parts of a monitor (screen, button panel, power button, power input, support, box, and HDMI plus VGA ports), it is possible to connect any screen to a computer, learning to connect them between yes with HDMI or VGA easily.

What are the characteristics of a computer monitor or screen?

Already discussed or touched on the subject of the parts and types of computer monitors that exist , as well as the operation of the same, we can then proceed to touch the subject of the characteristics of the monitor, one of the most important things and that most call the user attention.

In this sense, we can start by saying that the two most important characteristics of any monitor are: the resolution and the inches it has in size.

On the one hand, resolution refers to the term ‘Pixel’ , which is a unit of measurement to understand how you can see, how well or how badly, the image reflected on a computer screen. The more pixels a monitor has in its characteristics, the better the resolution it will have.

On the other hand, we have the inches, and the size of the screen is very attractive , so one of the most visual and important characteristics is this.

Inches is a longitudinal unit for measuring the size of the monitor’s case, and the more inches you have, the more visual content will show.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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