How Did Jeff Bezos Start Amazon?

The story of Jeff Bezos and Amazon is one of ambition, vision, and relentless execution. Today, Amazon stands as one of the world’s largest and most influential companies, but its origins are rooted in a simple online bookstore. Let’s journey back to the beginning.

How Did Jeff Bezos Start Amazon?

1. The Spark of an Idea

In the early 1990s, Jeff Bezos was comfortably working at D. E. Shaw, a hedge fund in New York City. While there, he came across a statistic that the internet was growing at 2,300% annually. This number intrigued Bezos, making him think of the vast potential of online commerce.

2. The “Everything Store” Vision

Although he initially conceptualized an online bookstore, Bezos had a grander vision: an “everything store,” a place where customers could purchase virtually anything. But he had to start somewhere, and books were an ideal beginning due to the vast number of titles available and the relative simplicity of shipping them.

3. Relocating and Setting Up Shop

In 1994, Jeff Bezos made the bold decision to quit his lucrative job, relocate to Seattle, and begin laying the groundwork for his online venture. Seattle was chosen partly because of its proximity to a large book distributor in Oregon.

Bezos set up Amazon’s initial operations in the garage of a rental home. With a small team, they began building the website, setting up supplier relationships, and crafting the business’s foundation.

4. The Importance of Customer Focus

From the outset, Bezos was clear about one thing: Amazon would be obsessively customer-focused. Features like customer reviews (a novelty back then), a smooth online shopping experience, and a robust recommendation engine became defining aspects of Amazon’s platform.

5. Launch and Rapid Growth went live in July 1995. Within a month, the company had shipped books to all 50 U.S. states and over 45 countries. Word of mouth spread quickly about this new online bookstore, and sales began to soar.

6. Continuous Expansion

It didn’t take long for Amazon to branch out from books. By the late 1990s, they had expanded into selling CDs, DVDs, electronics, and more. Amazon’s growth was driven by a mix of organic expansions, acquisitions (like the purchase of Zappos and Whole Foods), and the launch of groundbreaking services like Amazon Prime.

7. Innovating Beyond Retail

Amazon wasn’t content with just dominating online retail. The 2000s saw the company diversifying its portfolio with the introduction of Amazon Web Services (AWS), which is now a massive segment of its business. The company also ventured into consumer electronics with products like the Kindle.


Jeff Bezos transformed the way the world shops with Amazon. From its humble beginnings in a garage to a global empire, Amazon’s journey is a testament to Bezos’s vision, risk-taking, and relentless focus on the customer. As of my last update in 2022, Amazon continues to expand its reach, evolve, and influence industries far beyond retail.

by Abdullah Sam
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