How can I record the screen of my Android mobile without root

Since the invention of the first mobile phone, there was not the slightest idea of ​​the scope it would have and the radical change that humanity would undergo. With functions as varied as its applications, in this installment you will know how I can record the screen of my Android mobile without root.

How Can I Record My Android Mobile Screen Without ROOT

In the beginning, doing this was almost an impossible mission, since it was necessary to be a root user, this allowed you to record the screen of your mobile device. But in these times, this requirement is no longer mandatory. And now it is possible to use an application that allows you to record the screen of your mobile without root.

It is for this reason that many applications have been devised that can record the screen of your mobile without the need for root. They are very easy to use, very light, which allows not taking up so much space on your disk and generally they will do the same job for which they have been invented and you can search on Google Play . Without further loss of time let’s get started.

How can I record the screen of my Android mobile without root

In our case, we are going to choose an application that seems ideal for this, but as I told you there are many more that can do the same job perfectly. For the explanation we will use the App called AZ Screen Recorder , which can be downloaded from the Play Store. This application is very versatile and has certain spatial characteristics.

After having downloaded the application and installed it on your mobile device, you must now press the Open button. Once this is done, two ways to access the functions of the application that you just downloaded will appear on your phone. One of them is through the notification bar at the top of your screen.

When you have access to the application, you will see several icons, these represent different options, such as Adjust, Capture, Record the screen, Galleries and Exit . We can enter any of it but first we will describe what you will find in adjustment. When pressing, more options appear and first we will find Encoder .

Then, you can find other options such as Use magic button , which you can select by sliding the blue point next to it. Then you will see the Options when stopping the recording, we can press at this point to see its functions. Upon entering we will see several options that can be selected by sliding a small blue button.

Among the functions that we will find are Stop from notification, Show flashing red dot. Stop on screen off, Shake and Activate time limit, in the latter you can set the time you want the recording to stop. Another option that you will find in the settings will be the Resolution.

Pressing on this option will present you with several resolution options, you will choose the one that best suits you or depending on your mobile device. You will also find another setting, the one that has to do with the Frame Rate. Here you can select how many frames per second you want your video to be recorded at.

General adjustments

We will also find other AZ Screen Recorder settings such as Bit-rate, which is normally in Automatic, you will also be able to adjust the Orientation of the video, as well as the speed. Other options appear that have to do with Record the audio using the mobile microphone. You will also find options to enter logo or text.

Another option that you can adjust is the one referring to which camera you are going to use to make the recordings, which can be the front or rear. If you can see very well there are many options that you can adjust to make an optimal screen recording .

Now to use this application you only have to select the screen capture option in the application and then a countdown will begin. When it reaches zero, the recording will begin and it will take the time that you have programmed. It is really very intuitive and easy to use and without complications you learned how to  record the screen of your mobile without root .


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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