
He was the author of a Greek dictionary of the works of ten Attic speakers entitled Περὶ τὣν λέξεων τὣν δέκα ῥητόρων or λεξικὸν τὣν δέκα ῥητόρων , still preserved. It contains not only explanations of legal and political terms, but also descriptions of people and things mentioned in the speeches of these speakers. The work is of enormous importance, as it contains an enormous amount of information on the public and civil laws of Athens , and on antiquarian, historical and literary subjects of which we would not know anything if not for it, since most of the works of those that Harpocración compiled have been lost, seemingly since ancient times. This is why the author of theSuda and other later grammarians took Harpocración as their source at many points.


The text of Harpocración dictionary was printed for the first time, with the Schol of Ulpiano on philippics of Demosthenes , edition Aldina (Venice, 1503, and again in 1527).

by Abdullah Sam
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